Just to be clear, Moses didn't lead the Israelites into the promised land. Joshua did.
Also, the Bible (Hebrews 3:3) makes it clear that Jesus is the greater fulfilment of Moses. The Governing Body have lost the plot on this one.April WT is out. Blood, FDS, moses & crazy stuff...
by bohm 64 Replies latest jw friends
In the eyes of the WTS the Bible, in its entirety, is like one huge Rorschach test where a Narcissist is always seeing himself no matter what shape those inkblots have.
It is such egomaniacal self worship that repugned me to the JWs and made me realize that their Jehovah was just a dancing puppet in their strings.
I thought the WTBTS said it was actually jesus in the old testament as arch angel michael who delivered the commandments to moses. Any way the next article will probably show they reject the holy spirit by stating they are not spirit inspired. This thing's like a ship sinking and the captain already swam to shore leaving all behind .
Evidently Apostate
finally an illustration i can follow, not the "we are not perfect, but we are giving out GODS direction" bullshit but maybe if they are the cloud of smoke that leads his people they will let me wander around in this present wilderness doing my own thing until i die. after that they can prophesy all they want
Jay 88: God had commanded Moses to speak to the rock. Instead, Moses struck the rock with his staff. Second, Moses took the credit for bringing forth the water.
The "rock" is a metaphor. It was not an actual boulder. The "rock" was the prophetess Miriam.
Since when can anyone hit a rock with a stick and get water?
Wells can be drilled through rock, but why do people just accept this far fetched idea you can hit a rock with a stick and get water? Maybe if you hit twice you can get a Snickers bar.
It is all metaphor and the real story is not being told!
Numbers 20: 1-2
There Miriam died and was buried. 2 Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. 3
Water has spiritual connotation. Without "water" they had no spiritual direction. "Water" represents the guidance of the prophetess. No wonder they never got out of the desert. They were listening to a woman giving directions.
Oh, and P.S.: Don't forget that the Watchtower claims to be "God's woman". (One of the Harlot's daughter's no doubt.) You still got a woman giving directions. You'll never get out of the desert. You will always view the Promised Land from a distance.
"clear guidance" my favorite
Note, too, that it was not for each Israelite to determine when to start moving. Instead, the people acted "at the order of Jehovah by means of Moses." (Num. 9:23) Thus Moses, God's channel of direction, likely gave the signal to move.
Who gives a shit who 'gave the order'. They were wandering aimlessly around a god-forsaken desert. Does it really matter when or where they moved? Let's see: They left Egypt and were promised a paradise in a land flowing with milk and honey. According to the bible, neither the 'generation' who came out of Egypt or even their fearless leader Moses, reached the Promised Land. Each and every one of them died in the desert. So what earthy difference could it possibly make as to 'who gave the order' to move.
Today, Jehovah's steward class gives a clear signal whenever it is time to make a move. How does the steward do that? By means of articles in The Watchtower
And like the Israelites 3500 years ago, the rank and file wander aimlessly around a 'spiritual desert' their entire lives. The 'generation' that Russell and Rutherfraud all promised paradise to are all dead and buried. Knorr and Franz' generations are right behind them. Neither the rank and file or any of their leaders have made it to the Promised Land. So why on earth should anyone listen to a bunch of thugs that have screwed countless trusting but guilable people over by means of the Craptower?
Utterly nauseating.
How can that many people get lost in a small desert with a main Trade Route going through the middle of it all the way to Jersualem and on to Damascus. Let's see...head North, keep the mediterranean Sea on your left and the Sinai on your right
Yet like Moses, the F&DS has divine guidence, despite its aimless wandering.
At least, Leolaia, the Jews had Manna to sustain them- a tangible sign that Jehovah was directing them.
The JWs have their manna, too- the monthly WT and Awake magazines- bon appetit!- and so tasty, too! (with sarcasm)