This question has been the bane of many fade attempts. Once the question is asked there is no return... because if you answer no the hammer comes down hard.
I have not been asked it yet, but I am sure it is to come.
I think a lot about the question because I know how important it is to the Witnesses. Without a "Channel of Communication from God" they are nothing but a bunch of nuts in their own minds. People can't start to question the Governing Body... chaos would ensue if those kind of thoughts were allowed the run free within the Organization.
The way I answer it is this:
"Sure, anything is possible. My main criteria for being divinely inspired is that the inspired has to be set appart from their counterparts. They need to be able to say and do things not possible by other means. In other words it has to be quite apparrent. Problem is the Governing Body doesn't give us their information or past. They give us their Title and position and they enforce it, for sure. But where is the credibility? Because they have the truth?
The only way to find credit for these guys, in my opinion, is to check out the people they demonize so much. This would be mainstream Christianity and of course scientific theory. After careful consideration of the facts I have concluded that both science and mainstream Christianity has been misrepresented to me my whole life.
Is there questionable speculation in these theories for the Human Existence? Of course! But one thing I have found out is that the Witnesses will quite often expose these speculations in print in order to paint them in a bad light. Problem is that the Witnesses have as many whacky ideas as the next group and sometimes many more.
Whacky ideas are not a bad thing, but the Governing Body seems to think so. They are so bent on painting themselves in a good light while demonizing their competitors. This sounds more like a cut-throat business model then the benevolent True Christians the FDS perports they lead.
Yet my ultimate answer to the question is ambiguous, I don't really know. I draw this conclusion because after all my research and hard work I have found out that I don't know much. I don't feel qualified to answer that question because there are still tomes to read about my fellow humans past and present. We are not a simple people so I will not give a simple answer. I wont deny I have often questioned their divine position, but at this point I don't comfortable with a firm Yes or No.
Really what it all boils down to is the JW requirement to fervently teach a specific doctrine. With my current conclusions I run smack into an ethical wall: how could I rightly teach something that I don't feel qualified to teach? The meaning of life? Sorry, maybe if I never looked on the outside I would feel qualified because I would only know the JW doctrine, but I cannot unsee what I have seen, I cannot unhear what I have heard and the things I have seen and heard have rocked my world leaving me with only a sense wonderment that I am so small and with so much to learn."