Pregnant women refuses blood
by Giordano 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
ORPHAN CROW- Thanks for the information. I had no idea that many JW's had died due to not taking blood transfusions. What a criminal organization the WT Society really is. Sick -
flipper: I had no idea that many JW's had died due to not taking blood transfusions.
Flipper, it is sort of mind blowing, isn't it? Just think - 1000 JWs are estimated to die for the Blood God this year alone.
We hear only of the cases that hit the media or those stories that are shared on forums like this - there are so many more that we hear nothing about.
Marvin Shilmer
It is estimated that approximately 1000 Jehovah’s Witnesses die annually worldwide and as many as 100,000 may have died by abstaining from blood transfusions since the blood ban was introduced in 1945.
I don't know the source of Dr. Welsh's statement above, but the figure of 1,000 annual deaths and the figure 100,000 deaths since 1945 is easily the case based on hard data compiled by Drs Beliaev, Marshall, Gordon, Smith and Windsor in their article Clinical benefits and cost-effectiveness of allogeneic red-blood-cell transfusion in severe symptomatic anaemia published in Vox Sanguinis, (2012; 103, 18–24). I've researched and written on this subject and a estimate using that hard data based on very conservative assumptions is that since 1961 at least 50,000 of Jehovah's Witnesses have died due to Watchtower's blood doctrine.
The death rate is worse then we think.
For example a close relative had Cancer it was pretty far advanced when it was discovered. As an uber JW there would be no blood. They had her on the operating table cutting out the tumors and with no blood her pressure started to get critical and with tumors still in they had to stop the surgery no doubt hoping the Chemo would finish the job. It didn't.
Now I can only say that it was not going to be a sure thing if she had Blood but in the larger picture who knows how many JW worldwide have had to face various illnesses that called for a transfusion to keep a person healthy and allow the surgeons the time to get their job accomplished.
I know when I had open heart surgery (I was long out of the JWs) they needed a number of liters to keep me alive this was in 1987, and they still needed the option of having blood for any number of operations.
I believe the WT still called a transfusion 'eating'. even in thew 1980's
People who died in the 1940's and way way beyond died of heart disease or any number of diseases because they could not survive the necessary surgery without blood. Yes they died from a disease ............but they also died because of the blood doctrine.
People who died in the 1940's and way way beyond died of heart disease or any number of diseases because they could not survive the necessary surgery without blood. Yes they died from a disease ............but they also died because of the blood doctrine.
That is a good point. Adding those numbers, which could be quite high, to the other JW deaths that were blood refusal related, to the figure that Marvin gives of over 50,000 since 1961, would inflate that number by quite a bit. Medical technology prior to 1961 was not advanced as it was after that date.
Not only that, the consequences of refusing blood may not have resulted in death, but in some cases, resulted in life long health issues. Blood's most important role, which cannot be compensated for, by the use of saline, ringer's lactate, etc., is to transport oxygen. Deprivation of oxygen for any length of time results in permanent organ damage and tissue damage, which is irreversible. So, if you were one of the survivors of the noblood doctrine, and successfully came through a situation that where you should have received blood but didn't, you may have survived with permanent disability and a shortened life span. I have heard stories of people who refused blood, survived anyways, but had comprised health after - including inability to use their fingers or limbs in a functional way.