Attended meeting last night

by sd-7 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • nugget

    I always take time to read your posts because you are very open and honest about your feelings and experience. You did a good thing for your wife and shows how much you care for her. She is a very lucky lady in that respect. Your post makes me appreciate how fortunate my husband and I have been to be able to take a stand together.

    I also wish that people would wake up to the lie for themselves, but it is not something you can force. Programming runs deep the society has had a head start on most of us.

  • sherah

    Props for supporting your wife and her choice to worship as she chooses. Even if she doesn't understand and support your choice.

    SD-7 - I think last night showed me that if I really wanted to, I could simply go back to them, declare my faith in the 'faithful slave', and pretend none of this ever happened. It would show up in dreams and oft-buried thoughts, but it could all disappear. I think the sense of loss that these choices have resulted in is so deep that I don't think it matters anymore. It's just so hard to endure such ostracism, even though it is for the right reasons.

    SD-7 - It is possible, I suppose, to be reprogrammed by them.

    These are my fears as well, that's why I stay away from meetings. Intellectually, you know that the teachings are wrong. But the emotions, sense of familiarity and longing for family are often the reasons many go back.

  • Ding

    Reminds me of my original studying with JWs.

    In retrospect, all we did was hopscotch the Bible looking up isolated verses and even parts of verses to give credibility to what the WT publication was saying.

  • 3Mozzies

    Thank you for sharing SD-7, I really enjoy your posts.

    I think perhaps the agnostic in me wondered why we meet in buildings and bow our heads to a being that we have never seen or heard and that indeed no one has heard from theoretically in 2,000 years--back before people even knew bacteria existed.

    ...socializing with Witnesses was something I mostly avoided even when I was one. I think the burden of having to do it again, of being afraid to talk about whatever's in my head knowing it'll be judged if not in line with 'Jehovah's standards', all wasn't worth it then, and it's not now.

    I feel the same, I almost feel sick when I am with any Hard-Core JW, they can say & be who they want to be, yet I am not allowed the same privilege without them judging me instantly for thinking 'worldly' and being 'bad association'.


  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate


    my wife still pushes me to go and once a month or so i concede. i too see people i like and smile and make small talk but for the most part they truly enjoy the mindless bullshit they are filling their minds on. i harbor no bad feelings toward the average dub but realize i am now in a place where i have no true friends and for that reason i will never go back.

  • jamiebowers

    I've had a stomachache since you posted on Facebook yesterday about your pre-meeting jitters. I can't imagine attending at a kh without puking. You are not only much kinder than I could ever hope to be, but much stronger, as well.

  • Scott77

    marked for later.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    "These are my fears as well, that's why I stay away from meetings. Intellectually, you know that the teachings are wrong. But the emotions, sense of familiarity and longing for family are often the reasons many go back."

    Thank you, SD-7, for your heartfelt comments and Sherah, for the above words. Both your posts relate to me and my new direction.

    Enough said.

    With gratitude and best wishes to all who find themselves in the same reluctant boat.


  • elderelite

    SD-7... bro.. you know I feel you.. the only reason i darken the doors of the local KH myself is cause my wife is a zealot... instead of being glad that i am so into the family now and trying hard to make our marriage happy.. she whines that I am uninterested in family study... oh well... the women we love and the cult they are attached to

    Please stay strong, my friend, and I'm looking forward to our next chat...

  • man in black
    man in black

    A very heartfelt-honest story,,,,, thank you for sharing.

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