Sorry new at this after all I have ADD. Been lurking for 3 years. My better half sign up with you back in May of last year. We both started having questions about what was going on with the organizaitons teachings. I started waking up a little back in 2005 when I was doing Temp work in Brooklyn. I could not understand why they had all these people here just to maintain all there buildings. Just did not make any sense to me at the time. Then around 2007 I stated therapy went though some stressful stuff ( I will talk about that at another time ) found out I was suffering with PTSD and ADD. Started medication for ADD and all of a sudden my mind open up. I am a born in. Been baptised for 40 years. The last 24 years I have serving as a elder. Was a P.O. for 5 years. I step down from all of this in just the last few months. Our fade is going as planned for now. Why did I stick with all this for soo long? I had no other reference point in my life. I could not draw from any other experience in my life. It was all W.T. dogma I listen to and with my learning disability I could not get past it. Until I was able to think clearly on my own one day. It was like a whole new world has open up to me. I started questioning everything and reading everything I could get my hands on concerning the J.W. I must say 99% of what I have read on this board is very true, it also has brought up many things I have forgot that was taught many years ago. By many I mean back to 1958 when I got my first orange book of horror stories. My thoughts on todays board are A. At my last elder school there is a big concern for more M. Servants and B. We were told many elders are not listening to the G. body and we were ask do we obey the G.Body followed with a loud applause I got very sick from that. Well thats it for now thank you for listening to me. All by the way my better half is reopened mind, boy is she ever.
Hello to everyone from Totally ADD
by TotallyADD 20 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Totally ADD, welcome. So glad to hear things have been opening up for you. Its exciting and worrying all at the same time isn't it? Great to hear your other half is on board as well.
Wow, welcome to the forum!
Your wealth of JW experience is always useful to this community, can never have enough.
Totally ADD, welcome! Great to have another new poster, and with your background in the borg we need to here more when you are ready
HHG ( UK )
Welcome, welcome. I enjoyed your comments.
Welcome Totally ADD
Isn't it just amazing when our mind opens up and we see things so clearly yet we wonder: "Why didn't I leave earlier?"
Looking forward to your experiences.
TOTALLYADD- Welcome to the board my friend ! Nice having you here. Like yourself I spent over 40 years from birth in the JW's. Got out 7 years ago at age 44 . Welcome to the access to information you will receive here ( as you know since you've been lurking ) and freedom of speech. Something we certainly did not have inside the kingdom hall. I look forward to more of your story and posts. Having been an elder - I'm sure you have a boatload of stories ! LOL ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Aussie Oz
welcome totallyADD
good to be awake isn't it?
scary too... you ,might have a few freakouts but stay on those mind waking meds!
Welcome! Baptized for 40, maybe there's hope for my die hard mom after all.
Welcome TottalyADD. You mentioned your fade going well. Any advice. My sister and I are trying it. Tonight, an elder called me and asked how I was and I told him I was just tired. Havent been in over a month. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.