There is a debate about the nature of the Eucharist once consecrated, a church mouse appears and runs off with the host. Is it still Christ's body?
When I was a Witness, only a literal handful could be annointed. It was viewed as generational. No one believed our Overseer when he announced at a relatively young age that he was anointed. We were shocked Brooklyn accepted it.
What is to stop a casual member from deciding they are anointed? It is a matter of individual conscience? The whole thing leads me to believe that egotistical, power-grabbing individuals will tend to view themselves as better than their peers while the truly meek and Christian in spirit will believe they are not good enough.
I know this is a huge issue among Puritans. The concept of the Elect.
Another issue is how members of the anointed class lose their allegiance to Jehovah. There they are sitting with the Lamb upon the Throne and they still screw up in massive amounts. I waste my time here. The Witnesses so cramped my life I want justice. If I ever raised questions, I would have been tortured slowly until I was dead.