Why does Jeh have to DESTROY unbelievers at Armegeddon? Why not just let this unfaithful generation die out just like the unfaithful generation that never got to enter the Promised Land?
Why another bloodbath?
by pontoon 10 Replies latest jw friends
Because Hank has to make his point, Damn it!
Because it is the unbelievers who have been misleading you and many others. It is right that they should be brought to ruin. Those who "serve Jehovah" will be destroyed by Jehovah. Jehovah is not your Creator.
Why does Jeh have to DESTROY unbelievers at Armegeddon?
To the contrary, dear Pontoon (peace to you!): those destroyed at Armageddon are NOT unbelievers. If they were UNbelievers... they wouldn't be misled to come against the "Holy City". But it is what's IN that City... which they absolutely DO believe in... that causes them to be misled to do so.
It is because they come against Christ, His Bride, and those who did good to them... and thus, are "sheep"... that these, Gog... are destroyed. They will NOT have learned peace, nor love... and so will need to go.
Those who are not of the Bride, however... but ALSO learn peace and love... some who even know it "by nature"... are welcomed into that City. With open arms. The others are destroyed to protect those who learn war NO more.
Even the demons believe, dear one...
I hope this helps and, again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,
People believe this stuff, seriously...
pontoon: "Why not just let this unfaithful generation die out just like the unfaithful generation that never got to enter the Promised Land?"
I think it's because big unbelievers have little unbelievers who grow up to become big unbelievers who then...
Judge Dread
Who cares.
You're done anyway.
Thanks for the replies, but I really don't need a profound or serious answer. Just trying out a new laptop and trying to lure Outlaw out with one of his pics. He cracks me up!