Do Apostate demos at conventions work?

by home_and_dry 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewperson

    some of my favorite dreams: plane flies over outdoor convention & leaflets rain down, balloon overhead flashes messages to crowd in convention below, someone paints messages on the store glass window he owns or for whom he has paid someone to do this & that window is right on the street leading up to the convention, or the same thing is done but it is simply that a huge paper poster with gaint lettering is put on the inside of the window(s), someone takes handfuls of leaflets & throws them over the top balcony into the crowds below at a convention or they start showing up in the little day's events leaflets & here & there all over the convention building. doing something beats doing nothing, when one thing doesnt work try another

  • JeffT

    For years here in the Seattle area there was a guy who protested outside the conventions with very large signs with just a phone number (244-FREE). He was not an ex-dub and said so. He just wanted to help people. My wife wrote down the number at the last convention we went to, and we called him a couple of months later.

    He's the pastor of a church here and ran a support group for witnesses or the family of witnesses. His group was very helpful in our exit from the Borg.

    When first out I protested a couple of times, but I no longer think it is effective. They are trained to avoid the wicked apostates.

  • home_and_dry

    Thanks everyone!

    I also used to wonder what their purpose was, I honestly thought they were just weirdo's who were probably into devil worship and human sacrifices LOL

    Ironically, I bet thats what most JW's still believe...

    We all make a mess of our lives from time to time
    It's part of the process that you stumble as you climb

  • gem


    Whatever you do, please remember:

    You are not doing this to feel superior than the Witnesses, or to "score points", or even to "defeat" the WT Soceity. You are doing this to help the individual Witneses in the org. Treat them as victims, not as targets for your own anger and bitterness.

  • Adonai438

    I don't think its the most effective way but why not try it sometimes? I am a christian now and can't tell you how many times I've come out of a christian concert or event and have found the JWs flyered every car in a 6block radius. If they feel so free to do it to others maybe they should have to deal with it at their own conventions. I also think it knida cool that the exwitnesses have their own conventions.

  • borgfree


    Usually at the conventions they appoint attendants to remove all flyers that you might put on cars, the only way that has worked, that I know of, is to roll them up and slip them into the door openings, where the attendants cannot get to them.

    At the conventions where we demonstrated, we actually had some, very few, witnesses who took our flyers. The attendants came out of the building and actually took the flyers away from the JWs.


    "Without knowledge there can be no genuine faith--only superstition on the one hand or speculation on the other" Robert Banks
  • nytelecom1

    I still recall the "WATCH OUT FOR THE WATCHTOWER" and "NO
    FREE THINKING" chants by the antis at the Tacoma dome.

    I also recall as they sat down in total depression during
    the sessions (parking lot duty on my part)..

    I remember them giving up after 2 and half days....


    those weak minded suckers

  • orangefatcat

    Several years ago at a convention is Hamilton Ontario, there we several individuals outside the stadium with leaflets passing them out to who would ever take one and many did. The interesting thing about this group was they were all wearing wolf masks. That left a deep impression in my mind then, as I thought if they have a message to give to JWs why on earth would they act that way, who on earth would be interested in talking to these people who made themselves look stupid. I thought if you need to reach people with your message then there had to be a better way to do it I figured they were as fanatical as some witnesses I knew.
    Today I feel that we have a message to tell all JWs the real truth about their beliefs. The media is a good way and so is the internet. It is what I have read on the internet that gave me the push I needed to see if JWs could be wrong. I am not into demonstrations that would make us look nutty in any way. We are far more civilized than that.
    Anyway I just thought I would share these thoughts with you.

  • orangefatcat

    I forgot to say welcome to the forum, pardon my bad manners.


  • Jourles

    Someone above mentioned the idea of a blimp. My idea was to fly a small plane such as a Cessna with one of those advertisement banners strung behind the plane. It could simply say, "" or something else that is easy to remember. I remember at the old Jack Murphy Stadium(now Qualcomm) conventions having one of those planes fly around everyday, almost all day long. I think it changed banners every so often throughout the day. Of course, it would catch everyone's attention as it is quite easy to glance upward and read the banner to see what it says. The hum of the single prop airplane flying above contributed to the curiosity of the message too. At the time, that was one thing that took my mind off of the program which helped me to stay awake. It helped wearing sunglasses too, so no one could see that you were staring at the plane the entire time.

    Man, I kind of miss those outdoor conventions. You're a weirdo if you wear your sunglasses to an indoor assembly.

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