Child Abuse At The Meetings

by Hairyhegoat 50 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Vidiot

    I remember way back in the day, so many old-school hardliners would wax sentimentally for the old days when spanking was considered acceptable social behavior; I felt like asking some of them why they liked it so fragging much. Actually, come to think of it, as an adult I did ask some of them that whenever they brought it up (which, in the 90s, was admittedly rare).

    They'd bluster, hum, and haw, and say something to the effect of "Well, I didn't actually enjoy it" or somesuch, to which I'd respond, "Well, gosh, you sure sounded nostalgic". Believe it or not, most of the time it shut them up on the subject, particularly if the exchange happened if front of others.

    I remember they absolutely despised Benjamin Spock; blamed him for damn near everything "wrong" with kids those days, all because he allegedly advocated NOT spanking your children. Funny thing was, I watched a documentary on TV one time about Spock's life and career (very frank; warts and all), and nowhere did it even come close to suggesting that he advocated either spanking or not spanking.

    At the time, I suspected it was one of many JW urban legends (like Smurphobia), but I wonder now if it was common among other conservative/authoritarian churches. Can anyone here with a non-JW upbringing confirm that?

  • tec

    lol@JIFB - love the girl with the pink hair and the system of a down sweater :)

    children in time learn to behave and pay attention

    Children in time grow up, and gain longer attention spans (or they learn to daydream to pass the time).

    I don't think the question is 'can a child learn to sit quietly through a meeting they are getting nothing out of'... but rather, 'why?' Why not have a class that teaches them on their level? What's more important... learning to sit still for two hours, or learning to love God and His Son?


  • wobble

    Every Kingdom Hall should have an appointed person in charge of child and vulnerable person protection every time the Hall is used.

    Other moral, responsible organizations do so. Such a person would be charged with making sure that even parents do not beat ther children, and that no on suffers any kind of abuse.

    I do hope that individual congregations are held acoountable in law if they do not implement such a simple measure.

    (Other organizations use responsible women in this capacity, I suppose that would be beyond the Borg)

  • carla

    I pray that DY does not have nor will ever have children. They obviously cannot tell the difference between abuse and discipline. Slapping, hitting, pinching, and general abuse of a baby for not sitting still or being quiet is a crime. What jw's should have at all meetings are cops to arrest these abusing parents and those that expose young children to the porn like talks they have. jw's never cease to digust me thoroughly.

  • cofty
    What's more important... learning to sit still for two hours, or learning to love God and His Son?

    I'm sorry but neither. Indoctrinating children is wrong, doing by beating them into being quiet is just an awful lot lot more wrong.

  • Hairyhegoat

    Christians are supposed to be followers of Christ.... Well Doubtfully Yours, do you actually think for one minute Jesus would strike/slap a child that was acting up or just not conforming to the norm ? No I dont think so....

    Im sorry but there is no room for 'Spare the Rod' you 'Spoil the Child'.... The only thing that works is love, reasoning and more love....

    Doubtfully Yours You REALLY sound quite an abnoxious person. Im so glad you werent one of my parents !

  • Vidiot

    Hairyhegoat - "do you actually think for one minute Jesus would strike/slap a child that was acting up or just not conforming to the norm ? No I dont think so...."

    Can't speak for Doubtfully, but the majority of authoritarian "Christians" (i.e. funamentalist, so-called Biblical literalists) don't revere/follow/worship the gentle, kind Jesus of the Gospels.

    They're into the hardcore Rambo warrior Jesus who kicks ass and takes names at the Final Battle.

    I even remember reading a quote from a prominant Southern Baptist preacher a couple years back actually said this; that "the gentle Messiah of the Gospels had been patient long enough; now that we were in the End Times, the 'strict Father' Jesus was needed to do what was necessary..." (I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist).

  • tec
    I'm sorry but neither. Indoctrinating children is wrong

    May I ask what you teach your children?

  • mrsjones5

    What's more important... learning to sit still for two hours, or learning to love God and His Son?

    I have a child who is autistic. He cannot sit still for 15 minutes much less for a hour and 45 minutes. Thankfully he has never been inside a kingdom hall. And even if I had taken him to the hall I would never whoop, spank or beat him because he can't sit still. How stupid and ignornat to whoop an autistic child for not being able to sit still.

    Oh, and this child loves the children's ministry at the church we go to.

  • thenoblelodge

    I was a terrible fidget at the meetings and I was an adult, so there was no way I was going to smack my girls for doing the very same thing.

    When my brain was becoming numb I used to get up and go out the back. I could count to 30 and my girls would appear lol. We very often wasted 15/20 minutes of the precious meeting times having a little chat, usually about what we were going to have for suppper.

    D/yours - Wake's child abuse. I used to be beaten as a child and I don't look back on it with any affection or fondness at all. It hurt then and it hurts now when I think about it.

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