Well, he was recently busted for child pornography. Wonder what his congregation thinks now...especially the ones who testified on his behalf?!
Remember the Convicted Pedophile Who Sued to Attend KH Meetings?
by jamiebowers 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Wasanelder Once
The world doesn't understand the healing properties of a good Watchtower study. The highlight pen and bookbag therapy can cure even the most rabid Pedophile. I bet he didn't study his Watchtower enough. That's got to be the problem. NOT.
Thank you for the update.
I like the fact that the JW's are not trained in how to deal with a pedophile was brought out.
And it sickens me to think that if they see this article they will say"See, he was denied assembly with Jehovah's people and this is what happens."It is a abnormality, a disease. what makes the Jehovah's Witnesses think they have the knowledge and experienice to know how to counsel a pedophile/rapist. Praying is not the answer..any more than praying that a severed arm or leg will grow back with prayer..(althought I did see in a tabloid that a finger tip grew back.. )
I still think that all pedophiles should be shipped to an island and left to fend for themselves with other pedophiles. Get them away from kids.
JMO, Snoozy
Doubtfully Yours
Once I attended a congregation where a child molestor would go once in a while. All brothers and sisters were alerted and children would not be allowed to go to the bathroom alone or even get near him. That disfellowshipped pervert was watched like a hawk when he did attend the meetings!
He stopped attending. I'm sure he's one of those that says there's no real love in the Org. It's alright, though; those sickos are dangerous and belong OUT!
My daughter had a pedophile living down the street from her . He lived with his elderly parents. I think he ws in his 40's. Anyway, he got busted for child porn on his computer and was finally arrested..he was arrested but his parents mortgaged their house to pay for his bail and lawyers. He only had to serve a short time and he was out again. When I was at my daughters she would always point out his van as it went up and down the street.
All the neighbors were alerted and took turns being on the watch. He apparently had a ankle bracelet on later for villating his parole somehow..
The neighbors called a meeting of all the neighbors with that family. They tried to encourage them to move but they refused saying they couldn't as they were too much in debt for defending their son.
I think someone put signs in their yard with "Child molestor lives here " in the yard.
Eventually one day an ambulance went down the street and the whole neighborhood came out to talk and see what was going on..
They went to the child molestors house.
It seemed he had killed himself.
It's sad to know that someones death can make so many happy/relieved. But what other way is there? Rehab doesn't seem to work.
JMO Snoozy
thanks for the update
just n from bethel
Doubtfully yours is hilarious - in one thread she says child abusers should be kicked out - in another thread she says parents should smack their kids right at the kingdom hall.???
DY, Maybe the abuser in your hall read your first thread about how good it is to beat kids at the hall and perhaps he got the wrong message. You really need to be a little more consistent in your thinking - oh wait you can't, because JWs are not allowed to think logically. Well - good luck in life - sounds like whatever it is you're looking for in life just isn't happening at the kingdom hall or elsewhere. You've been here for 7+ years, but yet your mind is still imprisoned - fear of JW thoughtcrime. How sad.
But always a good reminder for me to observe how JWs still can't think straight. For that, we thank you.
life is to short
DY What hall do you go to. In my there were three child molesters and NO ONE WAS TOLD. I was threatened with being DF'ed if I told anyone. The elders allowed one of the child rapists to hold and take care of a little girl was who was mentally handicapped and could not speak. The little girls' mother was not told that he was a convicted child molester that I ever knew of, I found out by mistake and flipped out. I was told to shut up or else.
I never did know if the mom was ever told the elders just thought this guy walked on water and it was great he loved kids so much.
Jamie thanks for the update. This religion is so sick I hope the ones who stood by the pedophile pay for what they allowed.
DY I am totally with Out Law in what he said in his post.
I don't understand. The elders said that he was repentant, so he must be an OK dude. Right? I think he was framed.