Thanks Gayle. I'll pm you.
SCAN - 2010 Worldwide Service Report Via 2011 Yearbook
by Gayle 39 Replies latest jw friends
Comparing those numbers to population growth numbers is interesting.
We are not allowed to post the "link" for this scan here. Let me know if you want that link.
Thanks for the figures. They look slightly worse for the Watchtower than recent years. Brazil, Russia and Ukraine at 2% must be diappointing for them compared to the big growth those countries once had. If the Witnesses are supposed to grow fastest in transition economies, those countries should provide their best results. Japan is still flatlining, that's been over a decade now. Korea up 1% is a slight encouragement for them however, as is New Zealand at 2%. America still growing at 2% must be the most important figure of all. If America starts to decline that would causes the biggest ripples.
It always amazes me that Zambia continues to grow. More than 1 in 20 people in that country attend the memorial - can you imagine?
Korea up 1% is a slight encouragement for them however, as is New Zealand at 2%
yes, no doubt my fellow "country-men" are making the most of the 2% growth in peak publishers in New Zealand which is usually one of the most laid-back, if not apathetic countries for JWs - I'll take a closer look at the numbers when I get home - I cannot access the report on other computers.
What I am hearing from family and an acquaintance still in the organization is an influx of immigrants because locally I hardly ever see the JWs out witnessing. I've frequently commented on this site that they seldom door-knock on our area and on the rare occasion when I see them out witnessing, they are few in number and usually older men and women (sub-retirement age). I grant that it may be different in the northern part of New Zealand - where there are large populations of immigrants who seem to hanker for the kind of message the JWs peddle.
Gayle, please PM me with the scan.
GL, you have a PM, (note envelope above & click for message there).
Why is Hawaii listed as separate to the USA?
I would LVE to see the demographic break-down within the USA. I'll bet that most of the growth is from the Spanish congregations and other minority nationalities.
"Why is Hawaii listed as separate to the USA?" For the last 76 years, Hawaii had a separate branch office in Honolulu. However, according to the km 11/10 (November 2010 Our Kingdom Ministry) p. 8 Announcements: "As of September 1, 2010, Hawaii came under the oversight of the United States branch." Here's an interesting footnote regarding the original Hawaii branch:
*** yb91 pp. 82-83 Hawaii ***
Branch Office and World’s First “Kingdom Hall”
After serving over eight years at Brooklyn Bethel, Don and Mabel Haslett were assigned to Honolulu in the spring of 1934 to assist the handful of active brothers to carry out their preaching assignment. In no time, a new branch office of the Watch Tower Society was established. Brother Haslett was appointed as its overseer. In the following year, the Watch Tower Society president, J. F. Rutherford, visited the islands and approved of purchasing property on the corner of Pensacola and Kinau streets in Honolulu as the site of the new branch office facilities. He also conducted the Memorial, which was held in a rented house on Young Street that had been used for meetings. A total of 25 persons were in attendance.
Noting a great potential for growth on the islands, Brother Rutherford also arranged to have the local brothers construct a meeting hall in connection with the new branch building. James Harrub approached him and asked, “What are you going to call this place when it is finished?” Brother Rutherford’s reply was, “Don’t you think we should call it ‘Kingdom Hall,’ since that is what we are doing, preaching the good news of the Kingdom?” Thus, in 1935, was coined the name that would designate the tens of thousands of meeting places of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide. That little house of worship at 1228 Pensacola Street, which has since been expanded and renovated three times, holds the noteworthy distinction of being the first to be named Kingdom Hall.
*** end footnote ***
Furthermore, Hawaii is one of the 30 "lands" making up Oceania, while the mainland USA forms one of the 55 lands making up the Americas. (There were 56 lands until the Alaska branch office in Anchorage closed a few years ago, after which Alaska reported with the rest of the USA.) One would think that Hawaii should also be part of the Americas, but the correct summary numbers for the Americas and Oceania are possible only if Hawaii is grouped with Oceania. I've been doing two special spreadsheets where each reporting land is grouped by one of the five regions summarized on pages 43-64 of each Yearbook. All 132 lands that comprise the Americas (55), Europe (47) and Oceania (30) report annually in the Yearbook. Only 74 of the 104 lands that comprise Africa (45 out of 57) and Asia and the Middle East (29 out of 47) so report; the rest are the "30 Other Lands," which evidently number 12 in Africa and 18 in Asia and the Middle East.
How many lands are they not in at all ?
Matt 24 says GN will be preached "in all the inhabited earth and then....." (I know how they excuse this phrase, but they have to change the meaning of Jesus' words ,yet again, to do so.) {According to the WT, did that Jesus guy ever know what he was talking about ?}