Do You Think the Internet Currently Contains All Mankind's Accumulated Knowledge?

by journey-on 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • ProdigalSon

    Not even close. If that were the case, there would be no need for something like Wikileaks.

    At least 50,000 years of accumulated knowledge was lost when the Library at Alexandria was burned.

    The Vatican Library probably contains more truth than the entire Internet does.

    But there IS something that DOES contain all this accumulated knowledge, called the "Akashic Record", which requires a functioning pineal gland or "third eye" to access.

  • teel

    IMO the Internet contains only an outline of the accumulated knowledge. You can find papers on any subject, but when you start to dig really deep into a subject, the online resources often go dry. (this coming from me, who does about 90% of literature reading from Kindle, or other digital readers).

  • journey-on
    That would have been the planet Solaria in the novel The Naked Sun.

    Yes...that's the one. Thanks TD. (I guess I could have looked it up on the internet ;-)

    At least 50,000 years of accumulated knowledge was lost when the Library at Alexandria was burned.

    It makes one sick to think about this.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    There is more knowledge in the grave than there is on the internet.


  • kurtbethel

    Garbage in, garbage out.

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