I frequently have these kinds of debates at home.
The family will dismiss this kind of stuff saying that it is "just somebody in the art department illustrating a point" and not to be taken too seriously. They say that it in no way corresponds with a real prophecy and it is just an element of human error that God, evidently, allows.
If fact though - if seen objectively and not through rose coloured glasses - it does tell us something important about the WTS. Written predictions like this are totally different to the human errors of ,say, Peter or Moses. Those men committed acts of ill judgement at times . That does not matter. If the Chairman of the Gov. Body had a strop and told the others to F** off , one day...he would be at fault, but it would in no way affect the teaching of that Gov Body.
It is the teaching that really matters, what they write down and publish. That is what we are entitled to judge them on ..Their track record of failure shows that they KNOW NOTHING...as leaders they are BLIND GUIDES ...their teaching is rubbish apart from when they simply repeat scripture
If you apply any kind of objective reasoning to the shifting sands of Watchtower doctrine, you have to conclude that they know no more than anybody else about scriptures..it is just human ideas about what it all might mean.