Thinking about my congregation now, and I really can't think of anyone in the last 10 years. We've got a couple prospects, who are of Middle Eastern descent, but who knows how that will pan out. Every now and then people with mental problems show up. It's really sad when you think about it.
You know, I can't tell you how many times I've been in field service and a person turned me away, and I thought to myself, "what am I doing out here? This is the stupidest formality!" It really is a waste of time. This auxilliary pioneer thing for April, just proves to me they're grasping at straws. How logical is it for someone to do 30 hours in the ministry, and they have the same exact results as if they put in 4.5 hours? It's stupid, its retarded, and backwards.
Its really discouraging when you wake up in the morning, realizing that you're about to wake up or disturb people with something that they really don't care about or don't want to be bothered with. I can't tell you the last time I actually looked forward to field service. The best part about field service is when someone yells at you and gets beligerent with you. It provides some entertainment to an otherwise boring and waste of a morning and early afternoon.
I look at the pioneers in our congregation, and its pitiful watching them average seventy hours in a month(if they're truthful anways) and they're accomplishing absolutely nothing. I had the privilege(if you want to call it that) of handling the annual pioneer meeting with another elder a few years ago. This is before I even started lurking here. Even then I thought to myself, this outline and letter is so full of utter nonsense, that I felt awkward delivering it.
This religion, i don't know where its headed, but its not really encouraging any more. I don't know whats worse, dying at Armageddon, or spending the majority of your life serving this religion.