Bloodguilty By Preaching

by MrFreeze 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrFreeze

    I don't know if this is going to make sense to anyone, but here goes.

    Okay so according the JW Elders in my hall "We can't say for sure whether or not certain people will die at Armageddon." However, we know the JW stance is really "If you aren't a JW, you are doomed." But apparently these elders said that wasn't the case. They pretty much said if people didn't know about Jehovah's Witnesses, they would not be judged since they never got the chance to know about Jehovah.

    So if we were to preach to somebody about Jehovah's Witnesses, they learned about the JW's, rejected the teachings and were ultimately destroyed in Armageddon, wouldn't I technically be bloodguilty? They would have never died at Armageddon if I hadn't told them about Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • dgp

    In my humble worldly opinion, you are absolutely right.

    See it this way: if your NOT preaching meant that 100 people died without knowing about Jehovah, and, therefore, these people were brought back from the dead and were given a second chance, would that not be a thing to die for?

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I too have thought of it that way but was told I was stupid because Jehovah drawls those he wants and can read hearts, if I do not let Jehovah use me to preach then I will be killed but Jehovah will use someone else to bring these people in the "truth" as he knows their heart. It never makes sense when they tell me this. It always goes in a circle and then I am told Jehovah can use rocks to preach if no one steps forward and by that time I am so tired and I hate being called stupid that I just give up.


  • MrFreeze

    The logic that JW's employ just irritates me. It's like arguing with a five year old.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Yes Mr Freeze you are correct.

    So giving those people the good news is actually giving them a death warrant.

    Also, sense all the dead will be resurrected, it would be loving and merciful to kill as many non JWs as possible.

    So, there you go, two things that are way more effecting them preaching,

    not preaching to them, or killing them.

  • WTWizard

    I always thought that was stupid that, if I preached to someone that they would be killed unless they became witlesses--yet, if no one preached to them, they would be judged according to other criteria. So why in hell are we, at great hardship, supposed to reach those people and make it much harder for them to survive?

    And, if no one preached, the rocks were supposed to. So, why are we supposed to waste our time and go preach at great hardship when the damn rocks could do the same thing? Last I knew, rocks do not get tired, need to eat or sleep, get too cold or hot, and they cannot be threatened with a dog. And, wouldn't more people believe a rock preaching than a human?

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan
    But apparently these elders said that wasn't the case. They pretty much said if people didn't know about Jehovah's Witnesses, they would not be judged since they never got the chance to know about Jehovah.

    They are lying through their teeth! Here is the quote from the WT to ask them to read and explain to you:

    WT1989 9/1 pg.19 par.7

    "....7 Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the “great crowd,” as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4)"

    And no, it is not "old light". Ask them to show you the new light that refutes the above.


  • watersprout
    Jehovah drawls those he wants and can read hearts

    My sister in law told me that i was blessed because all JW's are hand picked by Jehovah! It makes me shudder and have an overwhelming urge to vomit to think that a ''blood thirsty'' God chose me to be in his demonic cult! What the hell did i do to deserve that???

    Sad sad sad........

  • BluesBrother

    The rank and file J W's have a dilemma... They are not sadists who want to see the suffering of the innocent , they find it hard to follow the written words that all non believers will die.. Also the WTS has printed some other stuff suggesting that they cannot make judgements of individuals and it is up to God & Jesus etc etc...I believe this is deliberately confusing the issue so that they can point to that if they are accused of peaching a kind of "Jihad"

    Most ordinary dubs therefore blank out the heavy comments and tell themselves that God is the judge and they leave it up to Him, washing their hands of the nasty stuff. In fact it does make their ministry pretty much irrelevant if God were to judge the hearts, rather than the action(or non action) of people.

    I have had these discussions with family many times and they insist that I am wrong to say that the WT says that non believers will die, but of course that is what it teaches, really. When I last discussed it with my last P O he just shrugged and said that God had killed off all the outsiders once before at Noah's flood, and that was a pattern - so he was one that believed the hard line

  • Sayswho
    WTWizard---And, if no one preached, the rocks were supposed to. So, why are we supposed to waste our time and go preach at great hardship when the damn rocks could do the same thing? Last I knew, rocks do not get tired, need to eat or sleep, get too cold or hot, and they cannot be threatened with a dog. And, wouldn't more people believe a rock preaching than a human?

    ROTFL !!!

    Makes sense to me...


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