Jonny, the WTB&TS, and hacking

by MeanMrMustard 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • CrimsonBleu

    I say the WTBS is looking for more than coipyright infringement, it is also looking for what people are saying about the society 'behind their backs" on the internet. Let's say, someone gets disfellowshipped, and is suspected of making claims about WTBS that shouldn't be being made....verification of IP, or close to as possible is one way that could be done. It's not always precise, but better than nothing.

    Jon told us himself WHY they are doing that! It is to counter anything beinmg said, so that they can formulate an answer and have it ready for when the time comes to need it. It's a typical military tactic--know your enemy.

    One more point: If you think WTBS is worried about the legal rammifications of getting caught, think again. They think they are above the Law. The files of pedophelia cases is a blatant statement attesting to that fact.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    The whole Jonny character is obviously just a wind up, some naive people out there to believe this

  • MeanMrMustard


    You wrote:

    baltar447 is right about use of an image to scrape ip addresses. To get a good distribution, they would have to post

    on a popular thread since only the site owners can embed on plain old

    But there would not be a way for them to correlate an ip address with a person, unless they are looking at

    elders who have logins to where WTB&TS can record ip addresses and pair them with people.

    You are exactly right... I didn't think of that before, and that would work 100% with very little trouble. I am sure they are recording the IP addresses of the elders as they log in. This would give them home IP address, work IP address, anything. Then they simply plant a picture link in a thread here and there, and log those IP addresses.

    It still wouldn't correlate the username with the elder, but it would tell them which elders are going to JWN (or anyother board). That would work... wow, I hadn't thought of the IP addresses... very nice.


  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    It would also be very easy to check who was scraping IPs like that, just check the source code and see if any posts have 1x1 images embedded.

    For this reason I doubt they do it.

  • MeanMrMustard

    @ zombie dub:

    It wouldn't have to be a 1x1 picture. Its the link back to the server that matters. It could be any picture. Heck, it could be Outlaw posting all his pictures. :)


  • bnybyt

    It's little trouble to reset the IP on your router.
    There are instructions on how to do this or you can call your service
    provider and ask to be led step by step in how to do this.
    It could be a pain to do it every time you send spam to an 
    active JW with a copy of the new elders book attached as a pdf,
    but hey every good thing is worth a little effort :-)))
  • MeanMrMustard
    It's little trouble to reset the IP on your router.
    There are instructions on how to do this or you can call your service
    provider and ask to be led step by step in how to do this.
    It could be a pain to do it every time you send spam to an 
    active JW with a copy of the new elders book attached as a pdf,
    but hey every good thing is worth a little effort :-)))

    I think ISP's, if you have a cable connection, will lease out an IP address for a certain period of time. For me, I think its a year. So for one year I have the same IP, and it gets renewed the following year. It may change, it may not...


  • diamondiiz
    It still wouldn't correlate the username with the elder, but it would tell them which elders are going to JWN

    Without isolating a user, any confronted elder with just an ip, the elder could always say they were watching over their flock doing exact same thing wts is doing. The elder could deny participating in discussion - so what proof would wts have to df the elder? None. WTS could have been collecting ips for years and so what? We haven't heard of any elders getting busted by wts, if they had I'm sure these elders would have been df and they would have posted here stating they were caught by wts. So I doubt they are collecting ips of users as it's really a futile excercise. WTS is not FBI or KGB! Just a delusional organization. If there is any spying, it is to find out copyrighted material, and is this spying done by witnesses or by outside agency? This is another question as an agency wouldn't be affected by what they read on sites like this one while witnesses could be.

  • MeanMrMustard
    Without isolating a user, any confronted elder with just an ip, the elder could always say they were watching over their flock doing exact same thing wts is doing. The elder could deny participating in discussion - so what proof would wts have to df the elder? None. WTS could have been collecting ips for years and so what? We haven't heard of any elders getting busted by wts, if they had I'm sure these elders would have been df and they would have posted here stating they were caught by wts. So I doubt they are collecting ips of users as it's really a futile excercise. WTS is not FBI or KGB! Just a delusional organization. If there is any spying, it is to find out copyrighted material, and is this spying done by witnesses or by outside agency? This is another question as an agency wouldn't be affected by what they read on sites like this one while witnesses could be.


    I agree that the WTB&TS is not doing this. But I wanted to explore the technical ins-and-outs of this sort of "hacking" - what it would it take for the WTB&TS to ID active elders on forum sites (or any user for that matter - but I think they would be interested in elders, COs, etc). True, the elder could come up with an excuse like you said - that he was just watching over the flock. But elders shouldn't be going to these sites AT ALL. It's against the rules. Even if an elder were to lurk around, not participating in the discussions, I could see the WTS saying that individual just isn't an elder anymore.

    I've said it on another thread - that I don't think the WTS cares about the leaked elder's manual specifically. I do think they care about all of the notes that get put into the margins - the notes that are given to the elder orally at the training school. If there is an elder on a forum like this, and the WTS knew it, even lurking, why not just remove the elder? Easy way to contain information.

    But, of course, you are right - if this were occurring, there would be many elders coming forward (after their removal, or just after a good back-room shalacking) and warning everyone else that the WTS is doing such things.

    Again, I'm just playing around with the idea. I don't really think the WTS is doing this. In light of JTB's claims, I just wanted to see what it would take. I still think that it wouldn't be too hard to match an IP address to a username using the identicon (see OP).

    In any case, the use of a good proxy server would eliminate all threat in either of these situations...


  • koolaid-man

    Thank you MeanMrMustard and welcome to the forum. We appreciate your technical skills and we will be looking forward to more posts from you.

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