You wrote:
I also have noticed that there are far TOO many people in the religion who take medication for mental issues. This is NO coincidence. Sadly, many of these people are women. I always felt that the culture and the mentality of the religion and its teachings either causes or aggravates depression.
In the case of all these women, in some cases it was because the religion held them back from making something of themselves and they are dependent and needy as opposed to being independent and self-sufficient. This kind of insecurity certainly breeds depression - especially when they hit middle-age and their health and good looks are fading and chances of marriage are nil and Armageddon hasn't come yet to save them....They will find they are targeted by "users' like I was. I RAN from these users and my conscience certainly didn't bother me over it. NO SIR. But maybe other deluded JW females might feel it is their lot in life to be doing favors and they might fall for some bull about 'christian personality' meaning they should be a doormat and tolerate every kind of intrusion. This self-sabotaging behavior causes depression.
It also cannot be ignored that the congregations are hotbeds of trouble and gossiping. The so-called 'friends' are literally devouring each other with gossip and other trouble. It is so bad that some people are compelled to leave their hall and go elsewhere, just for their emotional well-being. Back in the day when I was 'active' in the religion I could not tolerate this. It was at a point that I could not even be in the company of certain people. Believe me, nobody is going to go out of their way to attend a kingdom hall when somebody there is making trouble for them. This was certainly no 'oasis'. Far from it. And all this crap is in addition to everything else that is wrong with the religion. Who the hell needs it? I felt it was more upbuilding to stay home.
They can take this religion and shove it.
I too have noticed that there seems to be a higher level of mental illness in JW women than JW men. And I tend to agree a large part of it has to deal with the gossip. Now that my wife and I are out, we look back and wonder why we tolerated the mental games.