News on Dan Sydlik anyone?

by Room 215 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    You know, whether Dan Sydlik lives or dies has absolutely no bearing on my life at all.

    Sad but true.

  • expatbrit


    That's not sad! Surely it would be sad if Sydlik and his ilk still had a bearing on your life.


  • Scully

    I have some photographs from a visit to NY Bethel circa 1980. During the visit, I spent a fair bit of time with Sister Sydlik. In the photographs she looks positively miserable. He showed us his paintings and was quite pleased when one of the Gilead graduate's guests offered him a lei. I'll have to get the photographs scanned sometime and put them here.

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person
    to expose a certain religion as being false.
    - WT 11/15/63

    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. - WT 12/1/91

  • gumby

    Are there no bethelites on this board? Speak up!
    I did like his voice as Jehovah on the drama's.
    His sister was one of our circuit overseer's wife. Sister spacial..if I spelled the name right. is still intresting to know the old guys are nearing extinction and the new blood could make some big changes possibly.

  • nytelecom1
    You know, whether Dan Sydlik lives or dies has absolutely no bearing on my life at all

    i feel the same about Art Gonzalez......who you ask??..exactly

    During the visit, I spent a fair bit of time with Sister Sydlik. In the photographs she looks positively miserable
    cause and ??????.......exactly
  • NeonMadman

    NYtel says:

    I know the you?
    So there is news, then?

    "The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan

  • nytelecom1

    i know what i "says"

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