tah Darth Plagues,
Favorite instrumental hits
by littlerockguy 97 Replies latest jw friends
Darth plaugeis
Ok I love Star Wars ....we all know that....
but the music theme of the 70's.....even thou I love STAR WARS.....
Was Jaws....
Iwasn't afriad to fly as kid....
but after JAWS.....
Damn I didn't want to take a bath or swim in a POOL...
all I heard was this song.....
70's classic
Darth plaugeis
Like I said Star Wars Is My Movie/movies....
even as cool as Star Wars theme is......
Jaws theme gave me a feeling OF TERROR!!!!!!!
anyone from the 70's can't deny this......
It was scary SHIT LOL
I like the blade runner end them song by vangelis.
This is mostly instrumental.