Dumbing Down

by Band on the Run 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My perception after observing this site for a short time is that posters here are much better informed and articulate than the Witnesses I encountered. Growing up there were contradictory messages. First, I had to do well in school. In fact, my grades were a witness than JWs were better than my school peers. Fearing rejection, I studied for long spans of time. Love was at stake. Second, I heard the academic process ridiculed by the Society. I was supposed to achieve but not be part of this very wicked thing called school.

    My father died trying to pull me out of high school. A court battle was looming. My mother never stood up to him. She lacked the physical strength and since she was raised as a Witness, deference to males was important. She never thought men were better than women. Indeed, she bellieved quite the contrary. When women did not work outside the home, she kept house and worked full-time at a factory on the nightshift. The factory was in a very scary neighborhood. Even when a miracle occurred and we had a car, he woulld not wake up or stay up to pick her up. So I knew I was not just leaving my father's power but my mother, brother and sister. I loved them. It was like being in a Charles Dickens novel.

    As hard as they laugh at academia, academia laughs even harder at them, their beliefs, and culture. Large chunks of my life were spent dumbing down. I was forced to stop being a candystriper, a teen hospital volunteer. It offered a nursing scholarship, hanging out with friends and the uniform was better than a nurse's uniform. Later, I had the freedom to attend college. Education and tough questions were highly valued. I've read that the fundamental difference between Roman Catholics and the Reformation churches was not doctrine but a relationship to authority.

    If the Witnesses are the "Truth" to the exclusion of all others on this planet, why do they fear education? It should bolster their teachings. I haven't read the cult psychology books yet. I look forward to reading them. My KH was atypically short on talent of any kind. I argued that God did not need to create JW women the way he did. A stripped down, retarded yet still functional model would better suit his purposes. Music was mocked. Fine art was mocked. Architecture was certainly mocked.

    I so much wanted my parents' choice to be correct. There I sat cheering on the society at conventions. Conventons attended by more than a handful of people. Yes, women were sexually wild by nature. Men were pure and chaste by nature. A Bethelite removed his belt and handed it to my mom to reprove my baby sister, kicking her chubby baby legs out and brushing the chair ahead very lightly. She let me bring Suzette, my fashion doll to the KH when I was very young. Staring ahead, not understanding anything they were saying was sheer hell. I could be a Puritan girl reenactor.

    The more I learn about anything, the more I know there are no definitive answers and today's dogma in any field will likely evolve to something else. Their doctrines are tolerable to me. Mormons believe in weirder things as do Scientologists. Besides, who defines what is weird. Abuse of power is another matter. The gospel of Christ is the good news. The best news ever formulated on earth. Somehow they end up with a gospel of fear and terror. It grieves me to see normal JWs in servitude to their arrogance.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Their anti-education stance came back to bite them when fewer and fewer men were 'qualified' to serve as elders. THEN their lenient-education stance came back to bite them AGAIN when fewer and fewer men 'wanted to' serve as elders. And NOW their reinforcing anti-education once more will come back and bite them some more as their congregations are dumbed down so far that nobody but people with "special needs" will convert and join the religion.

    I like to think it's karma. They're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't. They're just plain damned.

  • sir82

    And to add to Mad Sweeney's accurate assessment...

    The anti-education stance bites them in the @$$ when the intelligent elders quit or are booted out, and the ones who are left are incapable of following even the dumbed-down directions in the elder manual.

  • ProdigalSon

    They fear education because education might lead to independent thinking. There is usually some philosophy thrown into the curriculum which of course is not from the Bible and therefore from Satan the Devil. They constantly quote Proverbs like "do not lean upon your own understanding" to let you know that your own mind is a trap and any kind of thinking allows the Devil to enter. (I'm SURE that what the scripture REALLY means is not to listen to your false egos, but the Divine Voice within, because Jerkovah the Almighty has certainly not been offering any type of discernable support or answers for at least the last couple of thousand years.) Unless of course, you have a direct pipeline to the god who gleefully creates evil as they do.

    Basically, they want zombified automatons to make $$$$ for their printing company.

    This is the way of mind-control programming.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Not to mention that the anti-education stance results in low/no qualifications, meaning low-paying jobs, which means the average JW has less to afford to donate to the contribution box.

    Less contributions mean less $ for the WT to use. Especially for the bigwigs of the WTS who mooch off everybody.

    Good post, BOTR.

  • leavingwt
    If the Witnesses are the "Truth" to the exclusion of all others on this planet, why do they fear education?

    A good education will provide a student with critical thinking skills. Exposure to new ideas/cultures will tear down prejudices. WT fears education because they know from experience that most educated people will not remain members of an anti-intellectual, high-control group.

  • PSacramento
  • WontLeave

    I've often said: You know what they call an intelligent or educated JW? An "apostate".

    There's a reason the Society wants you ignorant and it's the same reason government does: The more you can rely on yourself, the less you need them. If you know your Bible, you don't buy into any ridiculous thing the literature says. (Pro 14:15, Eph 4:14) If you know their past, you know they have a long history of being wrong and lying about it. So, they don't want you reading anything they didn't write, going to college, researching online, talking to anyone where you're not trying to preach to them.

    They actually use the last one to deny the fact they are separatists and elitists: "We talk to non-JW people all the time... at their doors." They understand the mode presenting one's self as "teacher" puts someone in, especially if that one has low self-esteem and really desires to be perceived as someone who knows something. That is why when the losers in cheap suits encounter any resistance or anyone who knows anything about the Bible, they have all kinds of nasty things to say about them when they get back to the car. They present themselves as just trying to have a discussion with their "neighbors" about "current events" or some other such ruse. But they don't want a conversation, even though they're trained to patiently wait for answers to the questions they're told to ask. In reality, they're just waiting for their turn to talk; they want to lecture. Someone in this frame of mind has very little risk of being persuaded of anything, as their minds are closed; they're not even listening.

    Once, we were in a territory an "apostate" lived in. He didn't ask to be on the "Do not call" list, but they wouldn't call on him, out of fear. I said I would, as I'd pretty much already heard anything he'd probably have to say. I argued we meet apostates at nearly every door, since they were taught by "Christendom" and many try to read scriptures at us in defense of their beliefs or in an attempt to fulfill their Christian duty of preaching to us. This view wasn't warmly received, which I thought was odd: "know that he who turns a sinner back from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins." - James 5:19

    I've seen elders having what I saw as great conversations at the door, full of opportunities to show scriptures about that exact subject, cut them short - badmouthing the householder all the way back to the car - because they wouldn't shut up and listen. Actually, it was because the conversation was going into areas the elders obviously knew nothing about. When I preach, I like to work alone, because I'm so often embarrassed by the stupid and ignorant things other JWs say. Every door I don't take, I cringe at what kind of retarded garbage is going to come flying out of their mouths, making us all look like a cult of buffoons.

  • pontoon

    All of this and at the same time the Org is so proud of their technology, bragged about Mepps, how they are leaders in construction (tilt-ups), how their new facility will be "green" and on & on... They absolutely rely on their lawyers. I knew one of them. Deceased now, but he gave me my first tour of Patterson while it was still under construction. He moved his family from NH to Patterson and went to work for the Org. full time. Durning that time at least one of his children went to school and is now a practicing lawyer. So in reality they love education if it SUITS them. That what its all about. Whats good for the Org.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I've noticed that properly educated people will incur great risk to make certain their children receive a comparable education. Education was my ticket out. They are damned one way or the other. If it is so bad for all, it should be a disfellowship offense. Lawyers beget lawyers. Education is the social engine that allows flexibility in a capitalistic society. It infuriates me when there are favored exceptions to the rule.

    I was told not to apply to Ivy League schools b/c my parents were not college graduates. Fortunately, we lived in black areas so I was recruited with the black kids. I stumbled along. My biggest problem was not believing in my self. How do you tell profs that your family makes fun of students. Your religion is a national joke. I grew up in the NY area so bad architecture and no live flowers were added to the list. I'm assimilated now into the borg as in Star Trek. The transitional years were hell. I adore reading French novels. Experience has given me the confidence that I could acquire Koine Greek if I wanted to do. My JW self could not entertain the idea.

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