Hello – this is my first post, so I will introduce myself. I have been lurking for some time and really have enjoyed reading the board so I decided to join.
I was born in and lived a dutiful JW existence for 20 some years until my JW husband decided to be a drug dealer/addict and become physically/emotionally abusive. After asking the elders for help, they told me I should stay with him. Intuitively I knew that was not a smart move so I left both the religion and the husband. Both were bad influences in my life.
I will not bore you with all the details but I have since moved on to amazing things in life. I am remarried to a wonderful man, have a great career and real friends. I feel free from the constraints of pressure induced anxiety due to the massive amount of control the religion had on me. That does not mean I became a slut or druggie (as a JW would presume), I am a functioning member of society.
Thanks to reading this board, I have discovered some fantastic books that gave me many “enlightened” moments. Crisis on Conscience being one.
I look forward to chatting.