We were not at the meeting last weekend and just wondering if the "30 hour" rule for April 2011 pioneer hours was actually read to the congregations ???
Rub a Dub
by RubaDub 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We were not at the meeting last weekend and just wondering if the "30 hour" rule for April 2011 pioneer hours was actually read to the congregations ???
Rub a Dub
Yes. It was read at my hall here in Milwaukee. My mom and dad and I went out to dinner afterwards, and my mother told me that it was 'a loving provision from Jehovah himself.' Ugh. I didnt say it, but I personally think its just a big ass waste of time.
Maybe Blondie has more details on it?
Yup. I only heard one person talking about it afterwards. I don't think it's going to pull in any new aux pio here.
It's a trial balloon.
The Society wants to see if the increase in APs offsets the reduction in hours (they'd get a bunch of people who would have signed up at 50 hours anyway, who will now "relax" and only get 30).
Which keeps the JWs spinning in their hamster wheels more? A lot of 30 hour APs, or fewer, busier 50 hour APs?
If the number of hours increases substantially, look for the change to be made permanent.
It was read Sunday at our Hall. The brothers and sisters were
almost giddy with excitement. The brother reading the letter
said that it was another blessing from Jehovah.
When I pioneered many years ago, I had to log in 100 hours.
Now in April you can pioneer for 30 hours and you can be
a publisher with 15 minutes a month. Their aim is to make
the goal of pioneering so low in hours that those who are logging
in 15 to 20 hours will feel guilty if they are not pioneerig.
When you fill out the pioneer application in April you have
to put down if you are going to be a 30 hour pioneer or
a 50 hour pioneer. What would happen if they did not have
to turn in time? There would be a large work stopage.
Sour Grapes
The brother reading the letter
said that it was another blessing from Jehovah
So,,,why didn't this be a blessing given before? ,,it's just a 'title' to give some at another level. People do truly good things and give their time for good things and truly good people don't need a 'title,' nor count their time in doing so.
If it continues, I think the "50-ers" will drop to the "30-ers." Then, when reg. pioneers start complaining or decreasing, then the "70-ers" will eventually become the "50-ers."
It is official -- due to the memorial season, they want more out in service -- asking for 30-50 hours for the month of April in the letter-- they said this is the only month they will be giving this privledge
They aren't getting 30 zeptoseconds of field circus out of me--let alone 30 hours. The last time I got 30 or more hours, in 1988, I regretted it.
I heard the letter read.....The sheep seemed pleased that they would be pressured to give more of their time in a pointless and fruitless occupation.
I am so glad that I am no longer involved.. The Service Overseer would always try and twist the arm of all the elders to "set a lead" and all pioneer in April/May.
It will be harder to say no, now
Here is a copy of the BOE LTR...(this forum after all is just one big information board)
Hardcopy of LTR : http://www.sendspace.com/file/oz3y1q
Original discussion thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/203897/1/BOE-LTR-Dec-26-2010-Increased-Activity-April-2011-Transcript
Transcript below:
Re: Increased activity during April 2011
Dear Brothers:
Serving Jehovah is the greatest privilege that we could possibly have. With good reason, the faithful and discreet slave has long encouraged Christians to involve themselves in the ministry, even serving “more fully” whenever possible. (1 Thess. 4:1) We wish to commend you for the loyal support and diligent efforts you put forth in sharing the “good news of the Kingdom.” (Matt. 24:14) The 2010 service year report is evidence that Jehovah’s people are ‘offering them-selves willingly’ in his service.—Ps. 110:3.
It is encouraging and comforting to remember that Jehovah accepts our whole-souled service prompted by a cheerful heart. [Read 2 Corinthians 9:7.] Even so, our circumstances may prevent us from doing all that our hearts yearn to do in serving him. How we appreciate Jehovah’s assurance that he values the unselfish service of each of his faithful servants. More than anyone else, he understands our limitations. What does Jehovah expect? He expects something that all of us, regardless of our situation in life, can offer: “Whatever you are doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men.” (Col. 3:23) To better understand the principle, consider the example of Mary, the sister of Lazarus, and that of the poor widow who contributed two small coins. Mary demonstrated her deep love for Jesus by pouring “very expensive” perfumed oil on his head and feet. (Mark 14:3; John 12:3) On the other hand, the poor widow dropped “two small coins, which have very little value” into the treasury chest. (Mark 12:41, 42) Was one woman more devoted than the other? No. Both women did what they could, and both are portrayed favorably in the Bible record. In God’s eyes their gifts, though of differing value from a human perspective, represented whole-souled service.
In an effort to increase the praise and honor to Jehovah and Jesus Christ at the time of the Memorial, the Governing Body has arranged for a special period of increased activity during April 2011. (km 2/11 p. 1) Perhaps you have taken the opportunity to auxiliary pioneer in the past during the Memorial season. Or maybe you have long had the desire to share as an auxiliary pioneer, but your situation prevented you from fulfilling this goal. You will be pleased to learn that during April 2011, publishers who wish to serve as auxiliary pioneers may indicate on the application whether they will be working toward a 30-hour or 50-hour requirement for the month. This is a special arrangement for the month of April 2011 only. Additionally, if the circuit overseer is visiting your congregation in April, all who are serving as auxiliary pioneers, whether with a 30-hour or a 50-hour requirement, are invited to attend the entire meeting the circuit overseer has with the regular pioneers.
Re: Increased activity during April 2011
December 26, 2010
Page 2
What will you do with this special opportunity? We urge each one to prayerfully contemplate whether he can expand his ministry during April by serving as an auxiliary pioneer. No doubt you will agree that exerting ourselves vigorously in the ministry during the Memorial sea-son is an excellent way for us to honor Jehovah and Jesus Christ. (Luke 13:24; Heb. 13:15) We believe this will be an especially good time to auxiliary pioneer, since the month of April has five Saturdays. It is our hope that with good organization and planning, many more—both older and younger ones—will be able to “taste” the privilege of serving as auxiliary pioneers during this special period. (Ps. 34:8) May our resolve be that of the psalmist who stated at Psalm 145:21: “The praise of Jehovah my mouth will speak; and let all flesh bless his holy name to time indefinite, even forever.”
Your brothers,
Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
cc: Traveling overseers
Re: Increased activity during April 2011
December 26, 2010
Page 3
PS to body of elders:
It is the desire of the Governing Body that all publishers learn of this special arrangement during the same week. To that end, the Governing Body has directed that the letter be read to the congregation following the Watchtower Study for the week of January 10-16, 2011. It should also be read at the following Service Meeting. Thereafter, it should be posted on the in-formation board. This postscript should not be posted on the information board.
In the majority of congregations, the letter will first be read on Sunday, January 16. If your congregation’s Watchtower Study is scheduled earlier in the week, you may read the letter whenever your Watchtower Study is held. If the congregation will be attending a circuit assembly that weekend, the letter will be read by the district overseer at the end of his concluding talk. If a special assembly day is scheduled, the visiting speaker will read the letter at the conclusion of the program. If your congregation has the visit of the circuit overseer, he will read the letter following his concluding service talk. No changes are being made in the qualifications to serve as an auxiliary pioneer. Neither are any changes being made to the Application for Auxiliary Pioneer Service (S-205b). When announcing the names of those whom the Congregation Service Committee approved to serve as auxiliary pioneers during April, no mention should be made of the hour requirement they have selected. Likewise, when reporting to the branch office the activity of the auxiliary pioneers for April, no distinction in hour requirement should be made.