Celebrities think the world will end in 2012
by Botzwana 11 Replies latest jw friends
Aussie Oz
then George Lucas can be glad he made all his good movies already i say!
I predict in 2013 he will release a blockbuster too...
"The Day the World Ended" by George D Lucas. (guess what the D stands for ?)
It is funny how the End-time concept has seeped into the subconscious of so many people, it has no foundation whatsoever of course.
Something is going to happen on December 21, 2012--the earth is going to cross into the southern hemisphere of its galaxy. I believe that will be the extent of what will happen--if you walk across the equator on earth, it will be about the same thing. No massive pole shifts, no massive tidal waves, and no massive extinction.
What could happen, independent of this, is that the United Tyranny of America could go totalitarian. All it takes is a fake energy crisis (include rolling blackouts and gas shortages) on "environmental grounds", suddenly implemented, and people will panic. Throw in a nice stiff dose of OsamaCare ObamaCare, with S510/S3767 pushing Codex Alimentarius on us, a few doctor shortages just as mandatory physical checkups get implemented, mountains of tax paperwork for small businesses spending money on supplies, and hyperinflation (with a good stiff dose of unemployment), and you have the recipe for panic. At which point, you declare martial law, pull people into compounds, and enslave them so they work for the governments and get no compensation (and get put to death when they are no longer productive). As to whether it will happen on December 21, 2012 is another question--but much of the legal work is already done.
"Celebrities think"
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That is a dubious comment to start with.
Something is going to happen on December 21, 2012--the earth is going to cross into the southern hemisphere of its galaxy.
No, it wont. We are currently heading away from the galactic plane. You are confusing the galactic plane and the galactic equator. We cross the equator twice a year. We wont be crossing the galactic plane anytime soon. Not that crossing the plane would be significant either of course.
Why should we care what these people think just because they are celebrities?
Some of the New Age stuff is even goofier than WT speculation, if that's possible.
As with the WT, when the date comes and goes and nothing happens, the whole thing will be forgotten and they will move on to their next date and even more grandiose cosmic pronouncements.
Despite their failure, their next speculations will once again be taken seriously by the media and by millions of people who want to believe they have inside information into doomsday.
Why is it that people who tote up Bible numbers or attach great significance to predictable astronomic alignments always seem to conclude that the end is coming within their lifetime rather than, say, 319 years later?
Isn't it because they are looking for something artificial to give their ordinary lives cosmic significance?
...and Tom Cruise is still in the closet...
Why should we care what these people think just because they are celebrities?
Some of the New Age stuff is even goofier than WT speculation, if that's possible.
Probably you could make that argument about Cabala or Scientology - both of which have been popularized by celebrities. Even ordinary Catholicism has been made into weirdness by Mel Gibson.
Isn't it because they are looking for something artificial to give their ordinary lives cosmic significance?
Maybe, but I also suspect that they like to create publicity for themselves.
...and Tom Cruise is still in the closet...
Funny that he is ashamed of that, and not ashamed of Scientology...
If the world ends in 2012 I won't have to make any more mortgage payments. If it doesn't end, I'll still continue to exist.
Either way I've got it made.