Great friendship that I'm growing with a older woman here in Milwaukee.
She's a really nice woman. I like talking to her, and she tells me that she tries to listen to the 'younger folks.' She said, she actually enjoys talking
to the younger people more than the older people, cause the older people are so stuck in their ways, and so judgemental. She's retired, does
artwork as a hobby, she has been in some artshows, and she goes out in field service time to time. She became a baptized Jehovah's Witnesses in
1965. She's from Arkansas but she moved to Milwaukee when she was 18. She centered her life aroung the whole 1975 thing, and never went to
college, hardly worked,because her husband didnt want her to work (her husband was an elder) but not deceased. She never saved for her future,
lives in low income housing, and lives around a bunch of JW's sisters who she says are crazy! She said, it makes her angry how the older witnesses
wont listening to what the younger people say and feel. She said she knows that something is wrong with the organization, but now she's too old
to do anything about it. She encouraged to keep searching and looking, and to keep praying. She knows that there things that the
society has kept from the witnesses, and she's happy that its being exposed.