Here's one I bought just because of the name. It actually was not bad.
Wine Is Good For You :-)
by snowbird 63 Replies latest jw friends
Darth plaugeis
I'm gonna tell Mai.
Is the last name Tai?
I'm not good enough your seeing Wine Now.... I'm hurt LOL
Straightshooter, it can be found at Perdido Vineyards in Alabama.
Silly JWN people - you did not even know that the beer fairy's name is Mai.
you did not even know that the beer fairy's name is Mai.
Oh, Mai!
Tee hee hee.
Ah laks wines, too, yassuh, ah duz, Miz Sylvie, ma sistuh, deah (piece t'ya'll, guhl!). Sins ah livs vera neah ('n werks in't too!) Californy's bes wine cuntries (ya'll no's - da Napa, da Suh-noma, da Low-di, 'n da Galt), ahz had me da privlig o' tastin' quat a'few o' da produk o' de vines... 'n also talkin' wit sum purty knolledge... knoll-edg-a... naw-ledg-ble... con'a desewers. Deyz botum line, az de tell it? Hit don' gotz t'be 'spensive... jus' tasty's all.
Sins ya'll freequints one 'o mah mos' fav'rite 'stablishmints 'fo buyin' wines ('da Wally-Mart, praze de lawd 'n hallyluyah!)... might'n ah rekomend da "Bare Foots" kine 'o wines? De maykz da wyat 'n ray-ed wines, 'n da pink kines, too! Ah laks me sum ray-ed wines... mos'ly da merlow. But ah laks de zinfa... zenfan... ray-ed zin sumtimez, too. But ah sumtimez has 'ta mix mah wines up... a lil 'o da merlow 'o da zin wif sumthin' a bit sweeta. Sho nuff mak mah lips smak, yassuh!
'N den... lawd hav' mercy... 'bout too weekz ago ah wints t'da Wally-Mart 'n luk heah, guhl, dey haz sum "Sweet Red" wines! Oh, lawdy!! No mor 'o da byin' too kines 'o wines t'mayk da wun kines ah laks!! Not too sweet, not too... ummmm... whuts dat werd fo' not sweet... oh, yeah... dry! Not too dry!
Agin, deyz called de "Bare Foots" kines. Dey dun wun sum awardz, too, yassum, dey haz! So, ya'll gwine 'n git yo'sef sum 'n den tell yo 'ol sis howz ya'll lak hit, kay? Ah'll be lukin' fer ya'll 't say!
Luv ya'll, ah sho duz... 'n sins ya'll 'n ya'll howse mah luv 'n a bunch 'o piece 'o de lawd, chile!
Ya'llz sirvint, sistuh, 'n fella slav 'o de Lawd Josh'a!
Awww ... Shelby!!!!
I just googled Bare Foot wines and they fall right within my price range.
Thank you so much.
Love, peace, and goodwill.
Rait bak at'cha, dahlin'... 'n happy debowcherin'!