Only when it will save your ass!
If you believe it, is it still a lie?
by thinker 13 Replies latest jw friends
Beliefs and facts can be likened to a table. In order for a belief to be solid, it must be propped up by a series of facts and experiences which tell you it's true. Take out a fact, here and there, and the belief could still hold. Take out many or all of the facts, and the belief falls flat, like the table top on three legs or less. A belief gets progressively unsteady. Build it with many solid facts, like a table with 356 legs, and you couldn't crush it with a bulldozer. Then the belief becomes a conviction.
For many here, visiting this website obliterates many "legs" of false reasonings and interpretations and impressions, causing their whole table of belief to come crashing flat.
Adding new legs, testing the ones you've got, and strengthening them, is the only way to maintain true convictions. Convictions should be arrived at carefully. Otherwise, the belief is shaky, at best.
suncrapes, what makes your table analogy interesting is that JWs aren't allowed to hear all the facts. They are only allowed to hear JW "facts". All other facts are from Satan!!!!! I remember when I was a dyed in the wool dub, someone told me how unhealthy it was to sit in our hall and hear only one side of things. At the time I didn't see it. But later when I left, that comment came back to haunt me.
Also over the years people have asked me why I left the Witnesses. I made up my own analogy. I said to picture a set of scales. In the beginning I saw the scales as fully weighted on the side of the JWs. As time went on the scales evened out more and more until one day I realised that the disbelief side had completely over-powered the belief side which was now so light as to have no affect any more.
Sorry for the ramble but your table analogy made me remember that.
Whats the phrase?
"Wishing doesn't make it so"
Truth is truth period. You can choose to believe it or not but it is still truth.