The opening article of the new April 2011 WT starts by talking about Israel abandoning Jehovah. It says:
"In one section of
their camp, the Israelites sawthe pillar of fire
and cloud—themajestic evidence of theOne
who had led themout of Egypt—and not far
from there, they began worshipping a lifeless
idol, saying: “This is your God, O Israel,
who led you up out of the land of Egypt.”
What “great acts of disrespect”!"
Nothing so wrong here...but notice how they continue:
"He has delegated some authority
to a faithful slave class, made up
of faithful spirit-anointed Christians. That
slave class, in turn, appoints overseers in the
Christian congregation"
Nothing about the GB here... Just the faithful slave. I never knew that the annointed in the congregation were consulted before appointing overseers... Oh wait...they aren't.
The article continues:
"How can we show that we appreciate
God’s guidance? The apostle Paul said: “Be
obedient to those who are taking the lead
among you and be submissive.”"
And it gets worse:
"How, then, do we react when we receive
divine direction? Dowe try to apply it “right
afterward”? Or dowe continue doing things
just as we have been accustomed to doing
them? Are we familiar with up-to-date directions,
such as those regarding conducting
home Bible studies, preaching to foreignspeaking
people, regularly sharing in family
worship, cooperating with Hospital Liaison
Committees, and conducting ourselves
properly at conventions? We also show our
appreciation for God’s guidance by accepting
counsel. When faced with far-reaching
decisions, we do not trust in our own wisdom
but look to Jehovah and his organization
for guidance."
They are tightening the leash. They are terrified by the loss of control that they are being affected by. This organization never ceases to amaze/sicken me.
They end the article in this way:
"Do you clearly discern the evidence of divine
guidance? Jehovah uses his organization
to guide us, his people, through “the
wilderness” during these last days of Satan’s
wicked world. As a result, we enjoy unity,
love, and security...Likewise, God’s people today will without
fail reach the promised newworld.However,
whetherwe personallywill be there depends
to no small degree on our humble willingness
to follow God’s direction. Therefore,
may we all keep on discerning the evidence
of Jehovah’s guidance!"