I put this together more as a collection of my thoughts. I would appreciate hearing your thoughts, disagreements, rebuttals, etc on this subject as it has been weighing a lot on my mind lately:
After reading a lot of heart-breaking stories over the years on this message forum about mates who no longer believe in the JW religion, the common thread seems to be a desire to get the JW mate to see the same thing; with usually dissapointing results.
I am currently of the opinion that maybe the best thing is NOT to try to change your mate's religion. Agree to disagree. Don't discuss religion. If you have a spiritual need, discuss it with others and focus on common interests that you have with your mate.
Ccriticizing the Watchtower, or the Awake, or the governing body, or the brothers and sisters, makes you look more like an enemy than a friend; at least from the JW mates point of view. This puts up their defences and causes a more of a strain in the marriage. When their defences are up, they're not listening anyways.
The time may come when your mate reaches out to you for information. They may have doubts and appreciate that they have someone they can discuss it with. Or not. Live with the realization that they may never change, and make the best of your marriage. If the JW mate is the one that is refusing to make the marriage work, then you have tried your best. If they are willing to give it a go, then you may still have a good thing.
Your JW mate may try to informally witness from time to time. This gives you opportunities to express your thoughts on what they say. A two-way informal witness of sorts. I would think that keeping positive, making new friends, speaking kindly of your JW family and former JW associates that are shunning you may be a powerful "witness" in itself.