agonus - "I'm not necessarily talking about generic acts-of-god natural disaster type stuff like floods, earthquakes, famine etc. though. I mean primarily specific events involving countries, governments, that sort of thing. For example, the so-called anglo-american world power, the united nations, and the kings of the north and south were all said to play a role in th end times, but they seem to have clammed up on these in recent years. For example, a couple of years back, i think in the kool-aid edition, they mentioned that "very soon militarized elements within the united nations" would soon move to shut down lfalse religion".. And that's the last specific government-related prediction i remember them making, at least in print anuways. Have any of the gb said anything from the platform in recent years regarding such? Any speculation on kings, nations, countries, hell, even return of the nephilim for that matter?"
Yeah, I noticed after 9-11 that - with the exception of one last run-through of the Revelation Climax book - there was less and less discussion of the WTS's unique eschatology.
Technically, the "King of the South" is still viewed as the Anglo-American world power, and it arguably is as much of an asshole as the WTS portrays it, but they've never tried to pinpoint the "King of the North"'s identity since the old Soviet Union crumbled. The UN, far from being the imminent tryrannical One World Government of Hal Lindsay's fantasies, or even possessing any real "militarized elements" for that matter, is barely capable of enforcing even the mildest of resolutions, let alone waging and winning a global campaign against organized religion.
In addition, there's all the advancies in science, technology, and medicine that are improving the quality of life (albeit slowly but surely) of more and more people around the world, including disease elimination, increasingly extended longevity, etc. - but they're taking place in "This Old Rotten System"(TM) by mundane, "real-world" means, as opposed to miraculous/supernatural manifestations in the New System.
We may have more than the usual quantity of military conflicts, government corruption, etc. going on right now, but with the advent of the Information Age, those days are clearly numbered.
The closest the WTS has come to touching on their escahatology lately (that I remember, anyway) was suggesting that some form of "World Peace" might occur, but that it would be a lie and a farce ("Peace and Security"), and would usher in the Great Tribulation.