Bohm, you have taken a statement of belief (God is behind objective morality) and merely substituted a different belief.
I think its obvious one should not rape like its obvious for me 2+2 = 4.
You still do not answer the questions. It may be obvious for you, but it might not be obvious to another from a different moral environment and, hence, a different moral compass.
Your moral compass is informed by 3000 years of Western ethics heavily influenced by the evolution of Judeo-Christianity. It is the air you breathe, and therefore you make claims of self-evidency where no philosophical thing exists.
It is not 2+2=4. Other cultures have or had no truck sanctioning activities you would likely regard as abhorrent--ranging from ritual rape to cannibalism. All of these cultures, however, grok basic maths.
Ding asked these kinds of questions again and again (I finally read the thread entirely), and he got no answers to his questions on whence an objective moral framework. All he got was an attack on one particular explanation for a source. At least Craig had the courage to put one forward to get shot at by those that disagree.