Anyone who has ever taken a first aid class knows that CPR training and first aid training are basic life saving requirements for anyone in the professional medical community. If you were ever discussing any medical choices with someone who wanted to advise you on a medical / health decision, you would want to be comfortable that if something were to happen to you all the sudden, that this person you were seeking advice from could provide basic medical aid, like CPR. If it's a nurse or a doctor or a paramedic, you would expect that they would know what to do. It just goes without saying.
Now for JWs, when a medical situation comes up involving blood, who do they think of calling first? The elders and then possibly hlc. Yet how many of these guys are even trained in basic first aid or CPR? How many of these guys are in piss poor shape themselves? heavy drinkers? Don't work out? Eat like Crap? Yet these are the guys that millions of JWs turn to when discussing very important life or death medical decisions. Yet, if right in the middle of signing a JW having an elder sign his blood card, the JW stops breathing, the elder couldn't administer any basic help to save his life.
My wife was in pioneer school, and someone had a medical episode at lunch; neither of the pioneer school instructors knew what to do. Luckily a sister in the pioneer school was a retired nurse and saved the day.
Stop breathing? Have a heart attack? choking? You're shit out of luck. Want advice on hematology and the deep inner workings of medical use of blood - all the sudden these guys are experts that believe they can go head to head with people that have spent years studying medicine and health.