ive lived in arizona all my life and lately been thinking alot about moving to another state. im thinking san diego right now and am currently saving to move hopefully this summer in june or july . so have any of you ever moved somewhere brand new where u knew no one, no family or friends, i think it would be nice to have a fresh start and new environment i
have you ever.....
by deservingone26 11 Replies latest jw experiences
San Diego is a WAS nice place to live when I moved there about 25 years ago...BUT NOT NOW!!! There is sooooooo much traffic between LA and San Diego it "Maddening" to drive around the two cities...plus California is "Bankrupt" and you will find it VERY HARD to find work there brother unless you have very specific talents that are NEEDED for that state, forget it!
I moved up to Portland Oregon from there about 6 years ago and its been much better here...but if you must move to California..go to the 'Central Coast' of it...its much more beautiful and a LOT less crowded...Only you have to have an "Upper-Class" income to live there...if money i no object...then by all means move to Santa Barbara ...or any place north of there along the cantral coast up to but NOT in San Francisco...Santa Cruz is where I would stop at. Monterey and Carmel are the BEST!!! I'm planning to mover there myself real soon...maybe we can meet there!
I live in Ventura County and LOVE it. Been here since 1979. (from NewJersey by way of Pennsylvania).
40 minutes from SantaBarbara. 45 minutes from LA.
Ventura County has the same nice, temperate weather that SantaBarbara has but is not quite as expensive. Still expensive here, but not as bad as Santa Barbara.
The beach cities south of here are fun to visit but too crowded for my comfort.
If you come for a visit, be sure to let us know. We can plan a little 'fest or meet-up.
Ventura is not bad, but its still too close to LA...I lived in Santa Barbara for 10 years so its still much nicer than any other coast community...but it is better than LA!
Amelia Ashton
Yes. I upped sticks and went from UK to Spain with 2 kids, 14 suitcases a bike. (No husband but £750 in excess baggage!) It was a fantastic adventure. I met wonderful people who I will never forget for the rest of my life, my girls are now bi-lingual and even though bad circumstances forced me back to England I have beautiful and happy memories. If I had the money I would do it again but this time I wouldn't be a JW so it would probably be even more fantastic as I wouldn't be limiting myself to one small group of people in my life.
Yep, Hubby and I moved our family to Indiana 8 years ago. We knew no one there. My family was over 2000 miles away and his family was about 130 miles away. It was awesome!
Lady Lee
I moved from Montreal to Winnipeg - for a man. Had never even seen the place. Bad move
Moved from Winnipeg to Ottawa where I knew no one but had been here before and loved it
Tried the Fla panhandle for a bit,from the snowy abyss of Maine.I loved it,my boyfriend{now husband}hated it.We are hoping for Northern California b=next.Sounds perfect for us!Getting tired of the 7 months of snow,cold and darkness.
25 years ago I was on the air and got contacted out of the blue by a program director at a radio station in Kansas City. He offered me a very good opportunity, so I took it. I moved out to KC with nothing more than $100 in my pocket.
I had a blast! I immediately started making new friends and having fun. It is the best decision I ever made and although I no longer live there, it is still affecting my life. Kansas City is where I raised my son. He grew up to marry a fine KC woman and now I have a KC grandbaby. Kansas City is also where I met my future husband 23 years ago. We got married in Kansas City 3 weeks ago. My only regret is that it took me 23 years to say yes to his proposal.
If you are having a strong urge to move, I encourage you whole heartedly to do so. I am a firm believer that a strong hunch is a good indicator that things could take a turn for the better if you take that first brave step.
I once moved from Connecticut to Massachusetts, so...they're pretty much the same thing, to be honest. Not a lot of difference culturally or geographically. :) But I didn't know anyone there, and that was a bit of a struggle at first, so I understand that fear. Just find local meetup groups, go to fairs and other special events, talk to strangers in line at the grocery store, do volunteer work...it comes together. It took about 3 months for me to fully "establish" myself socially, but once I did, it was no problem. You can do it.