Perhaps it is that when so many of us have been subjected to horrific mind manipulation methods, we become dumbed down to the seriousness of the issues at hand.
When a 'church' teaches, no, in fact instills so much about satan and all his crafty ways and methods, including quite terrifying teachings of matters pertaining to demons, what happens to the innocent victims of that kind of abuse? How do, these innocent victims grow up, what effect does this have on their personal development and natural balance?
Perhaps it is that we have become so accustomed to the speech concerned with this, that we can actually joke about it now, thank ruddy goodness. But this surely cannot be healthy, normal behaviour, to want to teach such things as this. God is supposed to be Love afterall, why not spend more emphasis focussing on Him?
Lets face it, we were taught and knew of this even whilst still very young, it wasn't just the 'bogeymen' we were being taught surrounded us, but dark, heavy, extremely evil real forces. Hence the no buying of secondhand furmiture, the ban on most unclean TV and music etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. It was because these practices might invite these real poltergeist living spirits of terror into our lives.
Back to my question above, and couple this with the dark veil of armegeddon psychology manipulation and what do you get? More specifically, is this overall not a form of very dark child abuse in its own right? And this still goes on all over the world, in every kingdom hall on a daily basis.
Of all the issues which we all seek remedial action upon, unrelated now question, just how many professional organisations have taken an interest in these specific issues and to what effect thusfar has ground been covered, plus what scope is there for improvement, if any?
Peace and WhatKnot, WhatKnot indeed.