Do your own thinking on what to believe. Most people accept the beliefs of others, who in turn have accepted someone else's beliefs, who in turn did the same (you get where this is going yet?). So don't just accept something because someone else has a particular belief.
A deeper question for you is this: why must I have a belief? After all, it's only a belief, and no belief is truth, it's only a belief that claims to represent truth, to be "reality". Which begs the question, what is "truth", what is "reality"?
The deepest question is this: who/what is this "I" that believes in something, that needs to have a belief to direct its life? Is that "I" real or is that "I" only another sort of belief? Without that belief in "I" what is experienced, where is "truth" then? All of these questions are for you to explore directly for yourself, so take no one else as your authority and blindly follow what they have to say. If you explore directly the deeper questions then you'll know what to do when it comes to WT related questions.