So I get the call a couple weeks ago from the Secretary concerning my time for the month. He called on a Thursday and said that he is looking forward to seeing me at the meeting tonight and to make sure I turn in my time for the month. I said, "Ok!" All the while thinking, yeah right, I'm not even going to be AT the meeting let alone turn in my fake time!
One of my new years resolutions was to stop 'faking' the FS time each month and stop turning anything in. It's sad that I had to use a New Years resolution list to get me started towards an official "Inactive" status.
What's the progression on that anyway? "Irregular" if you miss one month and "Inactive" if you miss 6 consecutive months right? So that means I won't be considered Inactive until June. Awesome!
I'm surprised they haven't called me to a meeting yet with the CO, must mean that they don't have anything to say to me. Good! Because I have nothing to say to them, other than, F@$K YOU!