Do we need to belong to a religion to be a spiritual person?
A lot of people seem to believe this.
If you dont go to church, or you dont go to THEIR church, or if you dont say "AMEN THANK YOU JESUS!" after they do, or you are not a Christian or a Muslim or whatever they are, they feel you are either going to hell or will be put to death by God.
The question could be asked "Do we need to belong to a religion to have a human conscience?"
We as humans are intrinsically spiritual. We have been created or evolved with the capacity for abstract thinking and appreciation.
We can be grateful creatures or resentful and bitter,or a mixture of both.
I think religion is a scam taking advantage of our desire for answers and consoling and our desire to know our creator and the answers to the bigger questions.
Its a big commercial enterprise to get you to buy their particular product and then become a free salesman for them and to recruit others.
Its a scam because when did a religion ever publish its views and then leave you alone to enjoy it all? Why are they always trying to imprison and control and extract money from you?
You are better off developing yourself and your own spiritual views and your conscience and being as good a person as you can for the short time you are alive.