Do you accept that the bible has Jehovah's instructions and words tied into the flood?
I accept this, yes... (not that what I think or accept is going to determine what actually happened)
Are you happy to pick and choose which parts of the bible to believe in?
According to what Christ said, yes - if something contradicts Him, then it either is untrue, recorded or translated wrong, or I am not understanding it properly. As for what science says... it can be either/or... a story might be told in such a way to reveal a truth that could not otherwise have been grasped without the scientific knowledge needed. This is a possibility that I am not in the least bit bothered to consider.
Are you happy to irrationally accept that the bible was kinda right ( a global flood occurred despite NO evidence) but utterly wrong about when, where,who the major players were, the supposed eyewitness author, everything Jehovah said and everything the rest of the bible writers said about it.
I hope I answered that above... though the way you say 'irrationally accept' kind of feels like an attempt to rig the answer, lol. If you think its irrational, fine, but why not just ask the question without the bias in it? If it is so obvious, then you won't need to add that word, will you?
Do you have many cute fridge magnets?
Not a one... unless the plumber magnet/coupon counts.