The wine pleased me I drank my wine in my settee The wine was quite fizzy Soon I was a little dizzy As my senses began to blur I thought, how did this occur?
by snowbird 24 Replies latest jw friends
The wine pleased me I drank my wine in my settee The wine was quite fizzy Soon I was a little dizzy As my senses began to blur I thought, how did this occur?
You want some company?
You can go to the Devil!
Hi Snowbird,
What was the name brand? Please, update your comment on this related thread below for a better review.
You ARE the Devil. You wine drinking hussy. LOL
It's Sutter's something or other.
I wanted some Bare Foot, per AGuest's recommendation, but that'll have to wait until later.
Anyone for a little Two Buck Chuck?
Alas, there are no Trader Joe's down this here way.
I'd move if I were you Syl
Tee hee hee.
I'm stuck for life in this backwoods.