Yes, it would be a more comfortable place to be. But - then I remember the blood doctrine - and the secrecy policy on child molesters.
What about the Catholic church? Hate them equally? They have a pretty bad record on the child abuse deal
If you hate one for a specific reason, then wouldn't you need to hate all the ones that have the same short comings equally well? Just because we were part of one doesn't mean that it's any more reprehensible ( or less) than any other religion that has the same issues/faults.
That's where I've gotten to. It used to be all about JWs and they did to me/my family. But I've gotten beyond that now. Now I see through all religions as bullshit and I know to not put any stock in any of them. Yea, the WTS caused me to be raised in a dysfuntional family and I gave up a college education and other things...yet at the same time, had I been raised in the other religion that is predominant in my none JW family, I bet I'd still be a nominal Christian, pretending to believe in fairy tales and supernatural silliness. At least when I awoke from the WT cult, it really opened my eyes. If there is any advantage to having been a JW, that's it.