I posted this on another thread because I was unable to start a new one, but now I can. Here is the post:
I have been corresponding with my MIL as many of you know. She is on the right road. But she is terrified. On Sunday the elders told her that they wanted to meet with her to see about her getting reinstated. Here is the email she sent me (names edited out, of course). I would post this on a new thread, but I am at my limit.
A few mins before this email she asked me to send her Crises of Conscience. She listened to the "shunning" interview this morning and also listened to a few talks about the WT history of false prophecy. Here is her email:
"Well the judcial meeting on Sunday was a big joke--- The brothers had no intention of reinstating me, and it was a dog and pony show--even (FIL) was upset with them because they lied to us---God's spirit was not there and everyone knew it---- I wouldn't be able to stay with (FIL) if I left the organization because he would have an absolute fit everyday---- He does not look at your searching the same way that I do. He thinks you are an apostate because you question the organization. He would not say anything because of (BroDans Wife) but that is the only reason. When I was baptized it was in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy spirit---I am now not in fear of God but of man. Neither (1st SIL) nor (2nd Sil) have so much as asked how I am doing and never would if I faded away. I am very confused!!!!!!!"
How would you handle it? I sent her this quote: "It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry. "
— Thomas Paine
I also sent her CoC of course. Any ideas on how I should handle this. This is VERY VERY VERY major for her and for this family. One sister is in bethel, the other serves internationally, and the other is my wife.