I was wondering what the Foreword says in non-English NWT versions. The JW's boast about how the NWT is directly from the original languages, but that is only for English. When it comes to other languages, JW's translate from the English NWT into the other language, which makes it one step removed. Kind of like if you used the Latin Vulgate. I was wondering about how they handle this in the Foreword of the other language versions. For example, could someone who speaks, say, Spanish and English post an English translation of the Spanish NWT Foreword?
NWT Foreword in other languages
by InterestedOne 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Google Translation of the Greek NWT 'Foreword'
The translation of the Bible from the original languages-Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek in the modern-ground is a very serious undertaking. Translation of the Bible means broadcasting in a language of thoughts and words of Jehovah God, the heavenly Author of this sacred library of sixty six books written by divine inspiration at the holy men of antiquity for our benefit today.
This thought brings great responsibility involved. The translators of this work, who fear and love the Divine Author of Scripture, they feel a special responsibility with respect to it to convey your thoughts and pronouncements of the highest possible accuracy. I also feel a responsibility to diligent readers who rely on a translation of the holy inspired Word of the Most High God for eternal salvation.Mindful of this sacred responsibility, after many years of work this committee dedicated men completed the New World Translation of the Bible into English. The entire project was initially issued in six volumes from 1950 to 1960. Since the beginning of the work yet, the desire of the translators was to incorporate all of these volumes in a book where the Bible is essentially a book from this writer. While the original volumes contained marginal references and footnotes, the revised compendium edition, released in 1961 in English, contained neither footnotes nor marginal references. A second revision was issued in 1970, followed by a third revision with footnotes, in 1971. In 1969 it adopted its Spacing Basel translation of the Greek Scriptures, which under the Greek text was published in 1881 by Gouestkot and grass, had been printed word for word a literal translation into English.
This version of the New World Translation, 1984, is the latest revision includes a fully updated and revised set of marginal references that were initially presented in English from 1950 to 1960.This version was given by the Committee on Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Watchtower printing, translation into other languages and distribution. It is available with a deep sense of gratitude towards the Divine Author of Scripture, who gave this privilege and in whose spirit has entrusted the committee to carry out this review. We pray to have the blessing of those who use this translation to take note of spiritual progress.
New World Bible Translation Committee
June 1, 1984, New YorkThe Greek version of the 27 books of the Christian Bible was released in 1993. This edition contains the Greek translation of the Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures, and a revision of the Greek version of the Christian Scriptures in 1993. Based on the revised English edition of 1984 mentioned above. It also contains more than 125,000 references. Therefore, with confidence and joy, and prayer, we available to Jehovah's Witnesses and their friends.
Google Translation of the Japanese NWT 'Foreword'
The original language of the Hebrew Bible, a translation into modern languages from the Aramaic and Greek are the heavy work responsibilities Uno Ban. The Bible, wrote in today for the benefit of our people are inspired by ancient holy, holy is the book consists of 66 books, the translation is your fault that Jehovah God of heaven is the author of the Bible TRANSFER means that the word in another language and thought.
It makes the person a feeling solemn. Translators engaged in this work, and feelings of fear and embrace love Oh God, the author of the Bible, must be communicated as accurately as possible the ideas or the declaration, a special responsibility to God feel. Our translators are also for eternal salvation, God's word supreme inspiration, I feel no responsibility for readers eager to study relied on the translation.
The Committee consists of dedicated people who, while aware of such a heavy responsibility, for many years in the Bible, "New World Translation" has been published. The first translation hanged in 1950 and 1960 were divided into six volumes published in English. The Bible is actually from a book by the author is the only one could desire from the beginning of our translators to be organized into one volume all of these volumes. The first edition was published in volumes, I was put marginal references and footnotes, the revised version was published in 1961 are summarized in Volume 1, see footnotes and margin had not been posted. A revised second edition was published in 1970, with revised third edition was published in 1971 footnote next day. Committee 1969, "Kingdom Interlinear Translation Greek Scriptures" is announced, it was the Greek text recension by Westcott and Hort (1948 reprint) literally into English under the row of are listed verbatim translation of the street. During the 35 years since publication, "New World Translation of the Bible" is translated into 10 other languages in part or whole, the total number of copies printed and distributed more than 4,000 million copies.
This new edition is not just for the further refinement of the revised text was issued in translation so far just footnote footnotes and documentation provided by the comparative study of English from 1960 until early 1950 (each) References renewed in its entirety, and has been revised.
For the various features and usage of this revision, please mind to. This 1984 revised edition, printing, translation into other major languages, and distribution purposes, the Committee was ?Ri?Sa the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. We will be working on this revised proceeded to rely on the Spirit of God is the author of Oh the Bible, this book has provided a deep sense of gratitude to God for giving them such a privilege for us I will. And so on have the blessing of the people who use this translation for spiritual progress, we pray.
(New World Bible Translation Committee)
January 1, 1985, New York, New York City3Mozzies
The translation is your fault!!
Bear with me and I will give you the Foreword of the New World Translation into Spanish. And, yes, you are very right. On the third page of the NWT Bible in Spanish ("traducción del nuevo mundo de las santas escrituras") you can read that it is
"Una traducción revisada basada en la versión de 1984 en inglés, pero consultando fielmente los antiguos textos hebreo y griego. 1987".
(A revised translation based on the 1984 English version, but truthfully consulting the old Hebrew and Greek texts. 1987").
Now, I wonder if you will believe me, but I would never ever read a translation from Greek into English and then into Spanish. The reason is very simple: The "distance" between Spanish and Greek is shorter than the distance between English and Greek. English happens to have more Germanic influence than Spanish. Some Spanish words are transparent borrows from Greek. There are some nuances that you get in Romance languages but you just don't get in English.
Beyond that, how truthful can a translation of a translation be?
I believe this points to the fact that the society does not have a body of competent translators into Spanish. Or, since they are all speakers of English, they don't want to let a bunch of translators create the sort of doctrinal base upon which everything else will supposedly rest.
I am left curious, then, as to how they control the translation into so many languages. They are usually very good translations, by the way.
3Mozzies! Fantastic!!! What a valuable post! It would be interesting to examine the differences in all the languages. Cris Sanchez (a translator of the NWT in spanish) gave some fantastic experiences in the past. If anyone is interested I have a few talks from him regarding the dishonesty that took place in the spanish translation that was directed through Fred Franz.
I am interested, Brother Dan.
Here are 2 of his talks...I will try to find more...
My guess is that all forewords will be pretty much the same. Most surely only one was written, and then it was translated into all other languages.
I am curious about one thing. The foreword to the GREEK version states that they translated from "Hebrew-Aramaic". But my understanding is that these are not the same language . But, beyond that, HOW THE HELL DO YOU REVISE A GREEK VERSION TO PUT IT INTO MODERN GREEK BUT USING THE TRANSLATION FROM GREEK AND "HEBREW-ARAMAIC" INTO ENGLISH AS A "REFERENCE"?
Would anyone please explain that?
Brother Dan: Thank you. I will listen to these files.
I'm not sure in which one of these talks he talks about it...but on one of them he talks about how dishonest Fred Franz was regarding the translation. I THINK it is the divine name talk...
If you are not a Christian, there is a lot of Christian talk. But if you can get through that, there is some valuable history there.
Not a Christian but I like to learn stuff. Is it possible for someone to transcribe this, and then translate it into Spanish? Legally, I mean?