
by Abaddon 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    A few days ago the license for Glastonbury 2002 was granted.

    For those that don't know, Glastonbury is a music and art fesitval in the heart of the English countryside. About 100,000 people, music from big names like REM and Radiohead, all the way down to small folk bands (there are dozens of stages), including a dedicated World/Jazz music stage, hundreds of stalls selling all sorts of food and trinkets, a circus, a comedy tent, a cinema tent, a whole section dedicated to Alternative/Green Technologies (solar-powered Internet Cafe?) and New Age what-have-you... you camp in tents whilst you're there, and the only real downside is the toilets, unless it rains...

    Think of a well organised Woodstock that gives huge amounts to charities. It is Hippy Heaven.

    This year it is on June 28th, 29th and 30th, although most people who've can get there on Thursday and leave on Monday.

    I've been every year it's been on since '94, and have worked there the past few festivals doing some music writing. I love the whole thing.

    And I thought;


    Drawback is that the tickets will be around £100 a pop (don't jump he fence; so many people have been doing that in past years, if it carries on, there will be no more Glastonburys), but anyone who is going anyway, well, let's meet up.

    Anyone else going?

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Valentine

    Well,it sure sounds like the right place to have one! Don't know if I can swing it,but will see.........hugs,T

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • teenyuck


    Sounds wonderful! I can't make it, however, I will mark my calendar and think of you as you have a wonderful time! (I may be cruising Alaska)


  • Englishman

    Well, I live 30 minutes from Glastonbury.

    I might go if it's sunny!


    Hey! Now you are an outie, you can dance too!

  • ozziepost

    In other words, Eman, you won't be going!


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • ozziepost

    OK Abaddon, how about bringing a decent band with you, like Rowwen Heze? They're just great. I just love their track "Moei, Moei"; I'm listening to it now.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Abaddon

    Hey, E-Man, thanks for the URL; I've just spent a very pleasant hour or so comparing notes with accounts of Glastos of yore on the website; do you know him?

    Actually, the weather is normally okay. '94 and '95 were warm and clear. '96 didn't happen. '97 and '98 were terrible, and '98 I actually left on Sunday afternoon... '97 it rained less and the mud was thicker, '98 it rained more and the mud was wetter; that and the fact I went with a different girlfriend were the main differences...

    In '99 and '00 it was pretty good weather too. I can only take the presence of another girlfriend both years as the 'cause (yup, you could say Abaddon thinks the sun shines out of her arse), and although there was no festival last year, I can't wait for June!!

    ozzie, I've not heard of Rowwen Heze, but I was in a band called Halcyon Daze. What are they like?

    As far as Ozzie bands go, I know INXS, Things of Stone and Wood, The Church, Men at Work, Hoodoo Gurus, Hunters and Collectors... oooo... oh, of course the Oils. Oh yeah, and Rolf Harris... oh wasn't Silverfish Ozzie?

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • home_and_dry

    I would love to go this year but I have two conditions

    1. I will only be going if the Pet Shop Boys perform again like they did in 2000. I couldn't make it then and was gutted. Did you see their performance, Abaddon?

    2. I don't 'do' tents but I hear there are some nice B&B's close by with basic amenities like heat and hot water LOL

    But if it meets my conditions this year, then I would be up for it!

    We all make a mess of our lives from time to time
    It's part of the process that you stumble as you climb

  • ozziepost


    Rowwen Heze are a great pub band in Holland. They've been going for , say, 15 years I would think. Made a stash of albums and singles. Check out their web site for details.

    Uni students luv 'em!


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Abaddon

    Home&Dry: Missed PSB as reviewing another band for the Glasto Review, can't remember who, but I have to confess, I would have hardly been disappointed as thet are, well, just the PSB's.

    B&B? Well, my festival day starts at about 11am and finishes god knows when. I don;t know if B&B's would welcome my hours. Add the hassle of getting in and out of the site, cars/walking etc, and you'll spend half your time going to and fro.

    Get a tent. Get an airbed. Get a sleeping bag. Good boots, water proofs, warm clothes, shorts and a sunscreen, and lots of toilet paper. It's easy.

    Oh, and rizzlas and tobacco in a waterproof packet...

    ozzie: I'll keep a look out for them

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

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