Hi there Island Woman

by Julie 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Hillary: I can't disagree with your comments. To me, however, it is not about agreeing to disagree on differing opinions.

    If someone posts that the Moon is made of Green Cheese, and another posts that it is made of iron, then they can dispute the opinins or facts all day long. If the person who thinks the Moon is made of green cheese then tells the other person that they are egotistical, arrogant, etc ... they are deflecting from the debate using personal attack.

    I agree with you that we all have personality warts that sometimes get out of hand ... When someone like Ginny says she saw some of my words as egotistical, I admitted that she could be right in how others might see it that way ... and I admitted that I have been dogmatic at times. Whereas Julie has made it a Holy War to make sure that she proves I have warts.

    But, I think that at this point, I need to listen to you and Mindchild a little more, and change an aspect of my style. So, I will create a separate post for this. Thanks again for excellent comments.

  • Julie

    Hi Amazing,

    You said:

    :So, your understanding of JWs is going to be greater than someone who has had little experience with them. Again, unless you gave up 20, 30 or more years of your life as a full fledged JW, you will always lack some level of understanding. Why can't you accept this concept? Why do you feel that you have to know everything and defend everything? Why can't you accept that you understanding of JWs is limited, just as a man has to accept that his understanding of giving birth is limited? It is no shame, is it?

    Absolutely not. I have no problems with realizing that I cannot fully comprehend what it was like to waste 20-30 yrs. in a cult but, I would like to fully point out the fact that Island Woman insinuated I am ignorant of the WT world and life in it. She basically alleged I haven't been there so I have no business commenting. This is the inferrence I take issue with. BTW, thanks for the concession there too.

    As do dishing it out and not being able to take it, lol, oh Amazing, I can see how it may seem that way but you are quite wrong. I went through and painstakingly explained my comments when called on them. Stood by them had no issue with being called on them. If you want to think me arrogant for forming opinions based on observation and experience, along with having the audacity to actually speak (write) those opinions, that is your thing.

    As to overestimating myself in thinking you even wanted a *chance* much less a second chance to prove you are not all the negative things some came to believe, I have to admit all your talk of hoping to adjust your communications so that others wouldn't take offense lead me to deduce you cared about how others viewed your thoughts. This further lead me to think you would like to be held in high regard for them, not something I think poorly of BTW so it's not meant as a criticism.

    I thought that after all this blew over that maybe things could be different, we could all continue growing, some of us with unintentenionally offensive modes of communication could continue working and growing. You made it very clear more than once (and have conceded--concession noted) that this was a goal of yours.

    I coupled this with your kind words the other day and how I viewed some of your religious growth/exploration posts and thought that maybe you should have a second chance in the mind of those with closed minds regarding you. That's it, no high-self-opinion or anything, just a plain ol' person thinking perhaps another person wasn't what she had once thought him to be.....

    Now let's not go dragging out the martyrdom/inflammatory comments like Holy War and such, no need for theatrics. We'll agree to disagree and perhaps one day we will find something to agree on.

    Until then Amazing....

    Skeptic, you are a kind, supportive and biased-as-hell friend. I thank you for your kind words nonetheless--hope all is well with you.

    Sir Step....I just love you, you dog. Now take of that cape before you get hurt.

    Regards to all,

  • Amazing

    Hi Julie:

    Absolutely not. I have no problems with realizing that I cannot fully comprehend what it was like to waste 20-30 yrs. in a cult but, I would like to fully point out the fact that Island Woman insinuated I am ignorant of the WT world and life in it. She basically alleged I haven't been there so I have no business commenting. This is the inferrence I take issue with. BTW, thanks for the concession there too.
    I do not believe that you have no business commenting. I do think that your comments and views might take on a significantly different flavor had you been a JW for a long period of time. I believe that you would take my words differently. Until you and I got into this recent set of exchanges, I most often enjoyed your posts, even where I disagreed.

    As do dishing it out and not being able to take it, lol, oh Amazing, I can see how it may seem that way but you are quite wrong. I went through and painstakingly explained my comments when called on them.
    Far from it. Close examination of your comments reveals that they were a serious of alleging what you thought my "State-of-Mind" was. Yes, you quote my comments, but you do not clearly state just what it is in my wording that exhibits egotism, arrognace, 'stil-a-JW-edler-in-my-heart' etc. Otherwise, place a link to a single one of your comments where you demonstrated with evidence my character flaws. As I stated before, if you can do so, then I will admit my error and make apology.

    Stood by them had no issue with being called on them.
    You stand by your comments by repeating unsubstantiated comments. Standing by a position is fine. I do that. Others do that. But taking a stand in and of itself does not add substance to the position ... it just means we are standing by our position.

    If you want to think me arrogant for forming opinions based on observation and experience, along with having the audacity to actually speak (write) those opinions, that is your thing.
    Forming opinions is not arrogant. I have never stated such things. Making unfounded and unsubstantiated charater attacks mixed into an opinion is what I have a problem with ... a character attack, if taken to the extent that it has been on many posters, does come across as arrogant, egotistical, and judgmental.

    As to overestimating myself in thinking you even wanted a *chance* much less a second chance to prove you are not all the negative things some came to believe, I have to admit all your talk of hoping to adjust your communications so that others wouldn't take offense lead me to deduce you cared about how others viewed your thoughts.
    I do care, Julie. But, I cannot tailor every word and sentance to avoid offense. I cannot control other people's reactions. So, if some specific thing I said comes across as offensive, then tell me, as that becomes substantive evidence ... and I will rephrase or apologize or something to correct matters. I stand by that.

    This further lead me to think you would like to be held in high regard for them, not something I think poorly of BTW so it's not meant as a criticism.
    Good point. As most people, I like to be well thought of and liked. But, if I have a choice between people having little or no opinin of me, or disliking me because of the misrepresentations of others, then I would rather they have no opinion of me. I do not crave approval, but being a normal human, I enjoy it. And, I try to give approval to those who make posts that I feel are of excellent quality.

    AND ... if I did not care about you, appreciate you, and think well of you, I would not be spending the time posting to you. I am more than willing to carry matters out to a workable solution.

    I thought that after all this blew over that maybe things could be different, we could all continue growing, some of us with unintentenionally offensive modes of communication could continue working and growing.
    We can all do that. My committment to that is not changed.

    You made it very clear more than once (and have conceded--concession noted) that this was a goal of yours.
    Yes. It is still my goal. But, there is this gut wrenching feeling I have that things I am supposed to have done to be offensive is not being specifically cited, quoted, and brought into the discussion. Please make a specific reference to something I said that was offenseive and why you feel it provides evidence of offense ... and let's go at it ... until either get it, or that you maybe see that you are reading into my words a 'state-of-mind' that I do not have.

    Ginny Toskin used the "Flower" illustration to demonstrate how our reactions can dictate how we interpret events ... and this goes for words too. So, my issue with you is this: What about my words leads you to know my state-of-mind? Could it be that your interpretation of my words has more to do with your reactions than with what I am feeling? Julie, if I am all screwed up here ... then I stand by earlier statements to admit and progress. But, can we please get to a specific thing I said that would lead you to interpret where I have been those things I am accused?

    I coupled this with your kind words the other day and how I viewed some of your religious growth/exploration posts and thought that maybe you should have a second chance in the mind of those with closed minds regarding you.
    Julie, the reason I do not need a second chance is that no one that I have any level of relationship with emailed me to complain nor did I seek to obtain their forgiveness for some improper act on my part. It is not that I did not do something in error, but the situation has not presented itself thus far. As for all "Those" whom you speak, none demonstrated where I did anything wrong, none offerred a so-called 'second chance' and no second chance was sought.

    Several people jumped in during the Amnesian saga and made nothing more or less than mere allegation lacking substance. I see no need to seek them out, grovel to get their approval, and bneg for their forgiveness when they have not stated what it is that I have done wrong ... other than making unbrella generalized allegations.

    I could accuse any of them with some balnket statement and it would be the same thing ... unless I can demonstrate what it is that they have done worng ... why should they listen to me?

    That's it, no high-self-opinion or anything, just a plain ol' person thinking perhaps another person wasn't what she had once thought him to be.....
    Julie, again, having an opinion is anyone's right ... and I never stated that having an opinion means that you are arrogant. The issue is that you make claims that you have not backed up, and you keep doing it. To me this is arrogance and egotism. You keep telling me things like you are my mother ... my Mom died 35 years ago when I was 15 ... and I am doing just fine, thanks. BACK UP YOUR CLAIMS WITH SUBSTANTIVE EVIDENCE OR QUIT! If you cannot do that, then you are the one with the problem.

    Now let's not go dragging out the martyrdom/inflammatory comments like Holy War and such, no need for theatrics.
    Where is the martyrdom and theatrics? Making a claim is not going to cut it ... demonstrate your claim. Holy War? That is a euphamism, an allegory to demonstrate what I perceive as a continuous bombardment from you against me. You talk about second chances, about how I am egotistical, and how I needed to grow like you are the expert that had to come in and shake me down. Theatrics? You flatter yourself ... anytime you wish, I will gladly go back and pull upo your posts and demonstrate my point. Thus far, you have failed to provide anything of substance about me.

    We'll agree to disagree and perhaps one day we will find something to agree on.
    Agree to disagree on what? You make false allegations, and you cannot substantiate them. That is not about agreeing to disagree as though mere opinion were involved ... it is about making false allegation that you cannot and will not back up because you cannot back them up.

    No theatrics. No emotion. Just the facts mam.

  • Skeptic
    Skeptic, you are a kind, supportive and biased-as-hell friend. I thank you for your kind words nonetheless--hope all is well with you.

    Thanks! Sometimes my Ukrainian/Irish mix makes me rather passionate, esp. when a good friend is being dissed for no good reason.

    I would jump in the fray about Amazing, but you are all my friends, and I respect you all. After losing too many friends by jumping into such frays, I now stay out of them. Let's just say I think you are all very wonderful people who are being far too hard on each other.

    I think you all need to go to a bar and together get roaring drunk for a night. That should solve the problem! I'll buy the first round!


  • Amazing

    Hey Skeptic:

    "Let's just say I think you are all very wonderful people who are being far too hard on each other." ... "I think you all need to go to a bar and together get roaring drunk for a night. That should solve the problem! I'll buy the first round!"

    You know ... thinking about this ... you are right on! We are all being too hard on one another ... so, I will offer to buy the second round.

  • Julie

    Hi (again) Amazing,

    Gee how I wish to be done with this thread and exchange with you. Please stop calling for, no, demanding, proof that you have an offensive tone at times and can come off as condescending etc. You yourself have admitted often (especially during the debacle) that you have this problem and are working to correct it. Now you demand proof, knock it off.

    I value you too as a fellow human being Amazing. I do not care enough to go through all of your posts to come up with proof that sometimes you come off (at least the *old* Amazing) as one pompous, chauvanistic fellow. Frankly, once I formed that opinion I avoided most of your posts so as not to be offended or feel irritated by your tone (as unintentional as it may be). Funny the up-dates I'd get via e-mail from friends though, often using the term "*gag*", male and female alike FYI.

    I made comments regarding your behavior. I was called on those comments. I then presented your words that made me think the way I did. If that is not enough then I guess I will never be able to do enough.

    It is so funny to see such high standards of proof demanded from you for things like tone and attitude that I alleged. You made all out accusations and then never substantiated them. While Ginny was valiantly, single-handedly trying to fight your fight she lamely offered that maybe you felt on the defense and offered that poor excuse for your unsubstantiated allegations but that was all even she could come up with.

    I have never alleged you of horrible wrong doing and all that I did infer/accuse you of was demonstrated (my reasoning for view) using your own words. I merely offered the material I based my opinion on. I noticed that you *then* showed no interest in substantiating your own allegations or calling me on mine (of course Ginny did take a whack at it and I tried to answer her thoroughly).

    Sorry Amazing, I value you as a fellow human but I sure as hell cannot stomach going through bundles of your own posts looking for phrases that indicate self-righteousness, chauvanism, narcissism or any other thing. It doesn't matter enough to me. That would take some time and frankly, I skipped so many (i.e. Jusice Series) as I knew it wouldn't be, shall we say, along the lines of my tastes. This would mean reading much of what I managed to avoid in the first place, no thanks. Besides, the last debacle wwas telling enough. If presenting your words in complete sentences isn't "broken down" enough for you then I am sorry to not have done my work on a level you could better comprehend. I have done all I will do on the matter.

    :I do not believe that you have no business commenting.

    Island Woman gave this impression and that is why I take issue with *her* here.

    :I do think that your comments and views might take on a significantly different flavor had you been a JW for a long period of time. I believe that you would take my words differently.

    I am sure I would either love them or find them more offensive. Not sure, we'll never know. I do know I'd have made a horrible JW.

    :Until you and I got into this recent set of exchanges, I most often enjoyed your posts, even where I disagreed.

    That's funny to hear from you Amazing. After our first disagreeement my thoughts were dismissed by you as shallow and stupid (to that effect too lazy to look up quotes but remember quite clearly) and I made efforts to make positive comments on posts of yours that I found rather touching and painfully honest re: your religious beliefs changing. I am hard pressed to recall any sort of reply from you much less a positive acknowledgement....perhaps I am mistaken. To me (just my mortal perspective) it has seemed you were offended by me once and never to be forgiven/forgotten.

    Thought that had changed by your kind words the other day, perhaps I am once again mistaken.




    I have followed these threads closely and can see that both ‘camps’ have made worthy points, can we just not agree to respect other opinions while holding differing viewpoints without the provocative exchanges?

    Ah, how perfectly reasonable and mature. That's precisely the lofty direction to which I have aimed since His Nibs' "Lunatic", ... sorry "Legacy" scrolls (still cracking up at that subject). In fact, toward that very end, I chose to forego reading it even, just so as not to be enticed ---in an ego-driven mania--- to pointless rejoinder. Besides, how much rotf knee-slapping entertainment can a gal expect to milk from any one subject, i.e., topic or person, no matter how tempting ?

    So, in the spirit of your sage counsel, HS, I remain modestly determined to continue satisfied with being merely shamelessly amused by what has transpired, rather than provoked to further duel.

    For the time being, anyhow.


  • hillary_step
    So, in the spirit of your sage counsel, HS, I remain modestly determined to continue satisfied with being merely shamelessly amused by what has transpired, rather than provoked to further duel.

    lol. I tip my feathered cap to thee fair maiden!

    Kindest regards -- HS

  • Amazing

    Hi Julie: No one expected you to go though mountains of posts. It is obvious that you love to make claims but are unwilling to even make one substantive point. No one asked for any great "High" standards ... just simply provide one case in point where my words demonstrate the negative issues you claim. So, it is time to move on from this ... we are really getting no where.

  • Julie

    :So, it is time to move on from this ... we are really getting no where.

    Finally we are agreed on something Amazing. I made my comments and backed them up repeatedly. You had your chance to refute them or provide other explanations, you chose to pass then. Why should I re-post it all? If you want to think that my refusing to waste my time reposting all that is "It is obvious that you love to make claims but are unwilling to even make one substantive point." then I guess you and I will never understand each other.

    I backed up everything/allegation made regarding that debacle, you have backed up none of yours but I "love to make claims" and am "unwilling to even make one substantive point". Smacks of scapegoating, finger-pointing and hypocrisy to me, you and I could never have aproductive discussion whileyou employ such tactics. It is a wonder you can with anyone by using such rules as those.

    Julie, who will no longer be bothered with Amazing (who has proven to be far from that)

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