If you are an active but curious Jehovah's Witness, this question is to you. Comments from others welcome.
I have an image of you in my mind. I see you secluded in your room with the door closed, speakers off or on low so you can hear the footsteps of anyone approaching, and you are quietly venturing into forbidden places. Maybe this is the first time and your heart is beating so hard you're wondering if someone might hear it. Or maybe you've done this so many times it's not a big deal anymore, but you still keep the door closed just in case. Maybe you join in the conversation once in awhile, or maybe you're a lurker who would like to say something but just don't want to take the risk. More likely than not your activity is entirely secret; you are the only one on earth who knows about it and to be found out would be like having all your clothing ripped off in the middle of Times Square or Picadilly Circus, only worse. You still go door to door, attend the Kingdom Hall, assemblies and memorials and for all intents and purposes are a Jehovah's Witness in good standing. But it's a pretty safe bet you suspect there's something wrong within the WTS. You may already be able to articulate it to yourself or you maybe just have this feeling in the pit of your stomach that won't go away. I think there's something wrong, too.
I don't propose to teach you anything. If this is a learning process then I am more a student than a teacher. I've learned some things that I will help to disseminate but I am by no means even fractionally as knowledgeable as are others in here. If I, personally, have potential to influence you it is only by way of how I conduct myself. If you are becoming a seeker, I don't want to be one of the people whose language and attitude causes you to retrench and abandon your search for the truth about The Truth.