For those who don’t know, Hear’say are a recently-manufactured pop group. They were formed from the successful auditioners to a prime-time UK TV show “Popstars”.
You know the general idea, five thousand hopefuls apply, there are regional auditions, regional finals, the cut to the final hundred, then the final fifty – last ten, then the “best” 5 were chosen to be in the group – 3 girls 2 boys. Very entertaining programme it was, too.
These winners got a recording contract – released a single, which, unsurprisingly in view of all the air-time and exposure, screamed to the top of the UK charts and they looked set for their 15 minutes of fame…
My eight-year old boy was absolutely enthralled by them. Bought the single, then the album, the videos, books, magazines, his entire bedroom is covered in their posters.
He loves ‘em. Late last year we took him to see Hear’say in concert at Wembley Arena. He loved it – didn’t get home til midnight (eight ears old and school early next morning! I blame the parents, meself.)
Anyway, Tragic News this week !!
The members of Hear’say have had some kind of internal falling-out and one of the girls, Kym, is leaving. I daresay the band will survive – probably the whole audition/replacement process will all be further, useful publicity to them.
But for my lad, it’s a disaster. A real challenge to his recently-acquired and heartfelt, (devout, even) devotion to the band.
It’s interesting, I think, how he rationalised away this threat to his new-found faith.
“Kym? She was ALWAYS rubbish! I always hated her. Couldn’t sing, couldn’t dance – shouldn’t have ever been chosen! They’ll be MUCH better-off without her!”
My wife and I, we smile at this. Of course we do, he’s our lad, we love him and he’s only eight years old. In the Great Scheme Of Things his opinions about some transient pop group aren’t really all that significant.
A little insight into human psychology, though – don’t you think?
Where else might you find this kind of absolute, total rejection; this complete writing-off of people who no longer “measure up” to the group-standard?
In an eight-year-old boy, it’s understandable and forgiveable. But in fully grown adults?
All of us here who are DF’d, DA’d or just fallen by the wayside will know what I mean.