So sure, you can hold out for one of these theories, but you don't get to pretend that you're sticking with empirical or scientific ideas. You're at least as religious as any hyper fundamentalist in any religion. Theism often provides the greatest metaphysical explanatory power with the fewest non-trivial assumptions. If one insists on holding out for a scientific answer, then you will never find the answer. Any proposed explanation for the origin of the universe will be metaphysical and outside the reach of empirical science, whether it is theism or a string derived model. There's reason people have difficulty understanding.
I dont know how the universe came about so i will just say "Goddidit". It offer the same amount of insight as believing Thor created lightning did 1300 years ago and has time again stood in the path of human progress.
This implies that science is an orthodox religion, while i am merely a self-righteous muppet who use my own stupidity as a prima argument FOR being the center of the universe and as an added bonus, i get to be part of a destructive cult which destroy families and has much blood on its hands.