What makes J.Ws worse than any other organisation?
by acolytes 67 Replies latest jw friends
J. Hofer
well, they don't blow themselves up in jewish discos... but yeah, this is probably like discussing if the genocide in ruanda was just as bad as the holocaust.
psacramento, the catholic church is quite tolerant where it lost it's power, but there are still many countries where they are controlling much of people's lives, including shunning of those who leave. where i live this is no longer that big of a problem in larger towns, but it is in villages.
psacramento, the catholic church is quite tolerant where it lost it's power, but there are still many countries where they are controlling much of people's lives, including shunning of those who leave. where i live this is no longer that big of a problem in larger towns, but it is in villages.
I am sure that is the case, but that doesn't change that shunning is an OFFICIAL doctrine of the WT and it is NOT an official doctrine of the RCC.
J Hofer - I just saw that you have been here about 2 days and have about 20 posts. Welcome to the forum.
The deal with this site is: We know that other religions can conceivably be "as bad as the JWs". There are many examples.
But, this is primarily an ex-JW site (or a place for JWs having trouble leaving the cult). Some of us who have been here a long time have (I presume) gotten the feeling that this thread was started with practically a JW apologist viewpoint.
Therefore, it is non-sequiter to the primary mission of JWN to argue what bad practices other religions have, especially to try to apologize for JW bad practices in the nature of - "well, other religions do this or that, or are controlling...".
And, we certainly know there are other bad religions out there. However - I still make the point that encouraging parents to kill their kids is manifestly as bad as anything ANY religion can do.
tec, To many commission means the never never.
James Wood i have no knowledge of the unitarians. I had never thought of Buddisasim as an organisation (Maybe it is ?) Iam not a J.W apölogist.
J hoffer, my point exactly.
Undecover i meant organisations in general, i see religiouse organisations as organisation first,religion second.
james wood (again) great point.thanks
P.S The RCC sounds like the J.Ws were in the begginning.
James Wood i have no knowledge of the unitarians. I had never thought of Buddisasim as an organisation (Maybe it is ?) Iam not a J.W apölogist.
Very glad to hear it.
Speaking of Unitarians...
I don't even consider the Universal Unitarians a religion. It's a social group made up of outcasts of stricter religions. They may sing hymns, pray and give testamonials but you're free to come and go as you please, free to believe what you want, free to think as you want. Hell, you can be an atheist and be a Universal Unitarian. That's not a religion...it's an ex-JW message board meeting in person.
If the members of this ex-Jw message board met in person-hmmmmmmm !!!
wts operates like a cult by not giving it's members freedom of disagreeing with the leaders. The R&F cannot disagree with doctrine, are "encouraged" to follow ideas that are retarded like no higher education guideline. JWs are endangered by being forbidden blood transfusion in cases of emergency while being in the constant fear of losing favor with God, being shunned by friends and family. Disfellowshipping is obviously another part of the cult action forced by wts which majority of the world doesn't even know about and understand and that is why WTS is so much worse off than majority of organizations out there.
Banks, shun members when the finances run out, Banks have money but will not lend it for life saving operations unless a criteria is met, Banks take away your home and break families up if repayments arnt made. Many people live in constant fear of repaying the bank,and spend all their hours working to pay back loans they feal badly advised in having taken.