Why do you think the list of Service Group members isn't posted at KH?
by oppostate 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm sure it's just some local thing.
All the congregations around here post their lists.
life is to short
It was always posted in the hall I went to unless they were changing the list around for some reason and then it could be down for months as they were so slow to have Jehovah's spirit praying over it. Just joking the elders are so slow at getting things done it is just probably being worked on.
I was in a couple of congregations that did not post the list because too many people ignored the list or their assignments and went elsewhere. They were afraid that many more in the congregation would do the same thing if they thought others were doing and getting away with it. Of course now there aren't any book studies but their are field service groups which probably are causing the same problems. Also, some people tended to like being in the group with certain people or not with certain people. Some BOEs foolishly try to accommodate these lifelong grudges especially if it is their wives.
I forgto add that some people were elder groupies and would only go to groups with that elder presiding.
blondie wrote: " I forgto add that some people were elder groupies and would only go to groups with that elder presiding."
I must admit that's the way my service group has always been. A very laid back, always taking a long break at a pastry shop kind of group. The main reason most JWs' kids like to go in service is the break time routine. Elders and Pioneers who insist on no breaks aren't very popular.
When I was in our local congregation never posted a list.
Do you mean the FS group "list" of the congregation publishers? In all the KHs I have attended/visited there was a list of who are assigned to what group.
oppostate - I think you'll need to be a bit more specific with your question. If by "Service Group" you mean "Service Committee", it is at each congregation's discretion as to whether they post the names of the Coordinator, Secretary and Service Overseer on the congregation notice board. I'm not aware of any recent Society instructions being issued to the contrary.
Thats up to the PO (CBOE). That is his job to look over the board.
I came across a list the other day of who was to be in which congregation when we split in two in 2007.
This caused the kind of problems outlined above by Blondie, some flat out refused to go where they were assigned, others were disgruntled.
The list I came across was the "final" one, it was interesting to read through and see how in just four years many that were listed no longer attend.
Perhaps so many no longer attend, or no longer go door knocking, that such lists are redundant ?
The other thing that happened after I left,just after the split, neither congregation posted meeting attendance figures on the board, I guess to stop clutter, one board two congo's, also to stop rivalry and comparisons ?