How is everybody dealing with the snow

by d 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • toys4us

    Not much snow here, in West Kelowna, BC. But it`s a cold -11C. Saturday we leave for Grand Cayman, 29C - escaping winter for 2 weeks!

  • im stuck in
    im stuck in

    getting over a foot today here in New Englang and then ice tomorrow buildings falling down everywhere. My family says that this has to be a sign that the big A is just around the corner. I said MA didn't you tell me that durring the Vietnam War! Blank stare. So sad the desire for a dream but if that makes her happy that is ok I guess, just makes me p off though. stuck in

  • aquagirl

    We have a LOT of snow in Maine,kinda cold,but its all good.More on the way tomorrow.LOTs more,like 14 to 20 inches...

  • Heaven

    The storm is supposed to arrive here in Ontario this evening. It is lightly snowing here now. I will be working from home tomorrow and doing quite a bit of shovelling from what I understand from the forecast.

  • minimus

    I T S U C K S !!!!!

  • crapola

    Here in Okla. we had freezing rain, then sleet and now 2 or 3 in. of snow and it is 10 degrees out with high wind gusts. In other words, it sucks!

  • WTWizard

    Well, let's hope (for those still in the cancer) that you lose a boasting session.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    No problem at all.

  • RubaDub

    We had some cool nights (mid-low 50's) last week but back to normal now.

    The 7 day forecast has basically highs of 80 and lows of 65.

    I'm glad I moved from the New York area 15 years ago! Don't miss it one bit!

    Rub a Dub (Miami Florida)

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    We had some cool nights (mid-low 50's) last week but back to normal now.

    Must have been brutal.

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