I feel for the Witnesses that notice this change and it's implications.
by leavingwt 14 Replies latest jw friends
I feel for the Witnesses that notice this change and it's implications.
The number of anointed partakers does not appear on the website?
The number of anointed partakers has never appeared on the website.
And Eastasia has always been at war with Eurasia.
An update from Rifter, on the JWR thread. . .
Ok, I stand corrected. I had accessed it through archive.org main page, which does not show anything after July 2008. http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.watchtower.org
It seems there is a newer WayBackMachine.org in beta testing which has the newer results.
spot on, Sir82!
Thanks for posting this! I keep checking and they have not updated the chart on the jw-media.org site nor updated the information on the publishing section. I wonder why?